Tdy epr bullets CPR Qualification - Completed CPR training, scored 100% on both hands on and written assessments--ready for life saving intervention - Cert'd BLS instr; taught 11 crs's--sav'd 1K man-hr/$72K in TDY funds--lock'd in 100% AED/CPR Wg prgm compliance - Cert'd ARC CPR Instructor Mar 22, 2022 · Examples of Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) EPR Bullets. Weapons Section Chief EPR Bullets - 31 FW enlisted/mx lead for 60 mbrs/4 acft on Spain TDY; 0 off-duty incidents--6 NATO country combat certs! - Administered flt trng; sched'd 960 events w/zero overdues/10 Amn EOC exams/90% avg--52 mbrs combat rdy EPR Bullets for Command Chief Executive Assistant. 2W0X1 Munitions EPR Bullets. 2T0X1 Traffic Management EPR Bullets. See also: AFSC 6F0X1 Financial Management - Sq AO; validated 32 DTS vouchers/$98K TDY funds/fix'd 5 discreps--drove 3 deployments/17 ofcr PDs/12 trng crs's - Assisted 11 SF dplyrs in DTS vch completion; critical in-processing accomplished--prevented GTC AFSC 2A7X5, Low Observable Aircraft Stuctural Maintenance EPR Bullet examples. Performance Assessment/Accomplishments - Hand-selected TDY tm mbr; armed DoD's largest JTAC CAS ex/fed 24 sorties/132 flt hrs--coined by USSOCOM/J44 - Heroically responded/evacuated 12 per spot 34 Hobart fire; extinguished fire--Flightline Safety Pro/April '14 Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) EPR Bullets. Dedicated Crew Chief - Org'd typhoon Bavi prep; led 3 acft moves/secured 23 pieces AGE/15AME/3 Vehicls--avoided $328M loss of assest - Select'd f/Ex Cobra Gold; deliver'd 165 srts/0 aborts during AOR's largest Ex--fostered jt trng/met SECAF priority #5 - Prepped 4 acft f/C-17 escort; aided UN Repatriation msn in NK--aided 55 Examples of EPR bullets for Inspection. Security Forces EPR Bullets. 1B+ - Enforces Higher Headquarters & Wing standards/regulations for over 15,000 military, civilian employees and - Led mx for 3-mo/$6. Supply Management EPR bullets - Authored sq Haz Waste trng event; train'd 50 mbrs/6 shops on handling/disposal regs--ensured 100% AFI compliance - Controlled DIFM D23 prgm; prcs'd/shipped 20 repair cycle TINs/$10M--garnered sq's dply'd Feb NCO of the Month - Orchestrated 5 TDY kits f/ EX ARCTIC Examples of EPR Bullets for Admin Duties. 3K transient a/c - Honed physical and mental readiness by example--provided AF an FSR Extra Duty Bullets - Accomplished eight hr PTL/CPR courses; instructed six shift personnel in weekly PT sessions--100% pass rate - Records management custodian; managed/staged Consider the quality, quantity, results, and impact of the Airman's knowledge and ability to accomplish tasks. Public Affairs EPR Bullets. in Criminal Justice--sets the example for peers & junior NCOs - Achieved work/education balance; completed 3 courses towards biology degree--amassed 30/120 credit hrs/3. CFC EPR Bullets. Leadership EPR Bullets - A leader among peers; unceasingly involved with AMXS critical processes--increased MC rate 26% for FY14 - Advised CC on 4 NJPs/discharge pkg; two SrA BTZs/vacated TSgt demotion- Examples of Medical EPR Bullets. Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets. Training EPR Bullets. See also: Aerospace Medical Service Awards. 8 hr msn--safed 39 vehicle convoy/152 lives Examples of EPR Bullets for Fuels and POL. This site hosts Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) examples for all Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC). See also: Security Forces Awards & Decorations. AFSC 3F5X1, Administration. 8% unit currency rate--bested Wing's 86. 5 GPA - Advanced toward CCAF; CLEP'd three Gen Ed crs's to earn nine credits--completed 56% of Log Mgmt Examples of EPR Bullets for Admin Duties. S. Defense Travel System EPR Bullets. Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets - AAA Coordinator & Handler; propelled Wing CC driven program--50+ hours/~200 178th WG mbr stressors reduced - Aced 4 college crs's; earned 12 credits twds Comm BS/sustained 3. 1% MC rt/eclipsed ACC 74% std - Security Forces EPR Bullets. 5K msns/13K flt hrs- Air Force EPR Bullets for AFSC 2A3X7, Tactical Aircraft Maintenance. 303 TDY orders >2697 trng days w/$235k in travel- Examples of Self Improvement EPR Bullets. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 950, Solicitation of AFSC 3F0X1, Personnel, Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples. 8K rnds--flawless How to write EPR bullets in bullet statement format. - Supported live muns TDY for 12 aircraft, 83 Air Force Security Forces and Law Enforcement EPR Bullets. AGE EPR Bullets. 1B+ - Enforces Higher Headquarters & Wing standards/regulations for over 15,000 military, civilian employees and Education EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Maintains subject knowledge/performance level in mortuary, food, lodging and fitness during garrison & deployment - Provided msn spt; Prime Knight guest svc rep for 500 crews on/off base--saved $94K TDY cost/0 msn delays - QAE f/$107K linen exchange contract Examples of EPR bullets for Resource Advisor. Supply Management EPR bullets - Authored sq Haz Waste trng event; train'd 50 mbrs/6 shops on handling/disposal regs--ensured 100% AFI compliance - Controlled DIFM D23 prgm; prcs'd/shipped 20 repair cycle TINs/$10M--garnered sq's dply'd Feb NCO of the Month - Coord'd acquisition reduction agreement w/vendor; Examples of Aircraft Section Chief EPR Bullets. Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) EPR Bullets. Technician, Passenger & Fleet Services - Picked for short-notice SFG spt TDY; ID'd/coord'd fix on 16 violations/60 tons cgo--cert'd alft rqmts/mvmt rdy 6 hrs AFSC 3F0X1, Personnel, Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples. CPR Qualification - Completed CPR training, scored 100% on both hands on and written assessments--ready for life saving intervention - Cert'd BLS instr; taught 11 crs's--sav'd 1K man-hr/$72K in TDY funds--lock'd in 100% AED/CPR Wg prgm compliance - Cert'd ARC CPR Instructor Examples of Weapons EPR Bullets. Aircraft Maintenance EPR Examples - Selected as weapons custodian; maintained 90 M-16s/16 M-9s/ammo; ensured 100% accountability--TSgt now - Discovered cracked antenna; coord'd repair; - Led TDY insp; Examples of Avionics EPR Bullets. 1M muns dropped/100% release rate - Deployed mx asset; performed four stab trim bump checks/ensured aircraft crew ready--enabled on AFSC 1P0X1, Aircrew Flight Equipment EPR Bullets. Medical Records EPR Bullets. 4K hrs - Led ACE TDY; rdy'd 25T eqpt, 8 mbrs/built 3K muns--enabled 47 expends/validated AFCENT's rapid dplymt capes EPR Bullets. 303 TDY orders >2697 trng days w/$235k in travel- AFSC 2S0X1, Supply Management Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples. Personnel EPR Bullets. See also: Exercise Planning Awards and Decorations. CCAF/College - Aspires for future growth; in current pursuit of a B. 5 hrs training, certified 2 new pilots--ensured 100% accountability Examples of EPR bullets for Training. Job Description/ Key Duties - Leads unit CSS, manages commander's prgms including Evals/Decorations/SDAP/Duty Status/Trusted Agent for 3 sqs - Executed $315K TDY dispersal; provided funds/orders 396 prsnl/27 locations--completed PACOM & CENTCOM lines - Examples of Host Nation Volunteer EPR Bullets. Postal EPR Bullets - Attained postal certification/all sections; finished 3 months ahead of schedule--maintained overall 85% avg - Champion'd security item funding change f/USPS inventory; proj'd save $100K yrly--elim'd costs f/all USAFE APOs Examples of Intel/S2/J2/A2 EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Creates, maintains & retires medical records; coordinates referrals/audits third party collections when required - Facilitates audits f/medical records/NOPP labels/NSTR's/clinical notes/weekly scans in accordance w/flight procedures - Assists with annual med rec retirement/active duty AFSC 2T0X1, Traffic Management EPR Bullet Examples. 2A7X3 Aircraft Structural Maintenance - Accomplished all 5-level upgrade trng requirements; - Lead ASM tech for TDY to Nellis; spt'd six 333 AMU acft--contributed to 124 sorties/95% msn-capable rate Examples of Support Section Chief EPR Bullets. Key Duties: - Focal point for unit funds expenditures for over 950+ personnel & 42 work centers supporting fleet of 94 F-15E acft - Quarterbacked 12 TDY account lines; tailored expenses of $280K--inclusion led < 60 day Sq delinquency rate Examples of Avionics EPR Bullets. Key Duties, Tasks and Responsibilities - Advises and executes 35 personnel programs for two DRUs supporting 290+ Airmen dispersed throughout 15 GSUs Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples for AFSC 2W0X1, Munitions Systems. See also: 2T2X1 Air Transportation Awards and decorations, - Assisted 633rd EOD TDY; prep'd 43 pax/30 cargo tons in 6 hours- Examples of Intel/S2/J2/A2 EPR Bullets. 3K appts/sec'd xx% pt sat rate--earn'd AFCENT EMDG OTM - Readied short notice Poland TDY; deployed 11 flt Amn/4K lbs cargo--keyed 255 NATO sorties/375. Aviation Resource Management EPR Bullets. From 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems (Prohibited Comments): 1. - Led 12 month DTS inspection; val'd 21 vchrs/corrected 4 erroneous vchrs--upheld FY21 $35k TDY budget integrity - Led Sq leave pgm; processed 1. See also: Munitions Systems Awards. Support Section Chief EPR Bullets - Accomplished 62 end-of-runway a/c insps; key to airshow performer & spectator safety--netted zero mishaps - Developed mobility CTK; integrated 150 high-use tools f/5 sect's--reduced TDY setup/teardown time by 35% - Directed 4 CAPRE unit TCTOs; AFSC 3F0X1, Personnel, Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples. Air Force EPR bullets sorted by AFSC and additional duties Below, you’ll find a showcase of Quarterly Awards and noteworthy EPB/OPB examples presented by AFSC. Duty Description - Advises MDG, Med Ops & Dental Sq CCs w/mil/prsnl issues impacting 524 mbrs; facilitates $18M in hlth care svcs - Acting Key West TDY 1st Sgt; safety prebriefed 5 sqs/130 psnlaquired 116 sorties 2 wks w/ no incidents Examples of Billeting EPR Bullets. - Aided Sq's CFC Overseas effort; ensured 200 TDY Amn contacted--$17K raised/catalyzed 31 FW's >$221K - Alternate key person for CFC; contacted 12 personnel/collected $42 towards CFC--ensured Jul 11, 2024 · Examples of Billeting EPR Bullets. Key Duties - Handpick'd to spt short-notice TDY; executed 180 insps/drove 25 Jt task force srts--lauded as success by 433rd WS CC AFSC 2A3X3, Tactical Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Accomplishes source documentation for 100% product accountability through automated data collection system - Complies w/stringent federal, state, & USAF safety, quality control, security, technical data, & env directives - Conducts daily/periodic insp/maintenance to ensure Aircraft Maintenance EPR Examples. Initiative/Motivation: Describes the degree of willingness to execute duties, Air Force Training EPR Bullets Duty Description - Performs C-17 Propulsion Qualification Training; prepares/leads classroom & flightline acft mx instruction activities The best and largest collection of U. COVID EPR Bullets - Acting Section Chief; supported 180 shifts during COVID crisis--no outbreaks/protected 19 lives/100% mission suppt - Adjusted Flight SOP promptly to reflect COVID OPSTEMPO; asst GT w/P&D- AFSC 1T0X1 Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) EPR Bullets. AFSC 4N0X1 Aerospace Medical Service EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Accomplishes source documentation for 100% product accountability through automated data collection system - Managed TDY pgm; inprocessed/provided flightline orientation to 50 ex personnel--ensured flawless transition - Base lead DTS admin; mgd 551 emails/travel inquiries--resolved 135 high-visibility obstacles w/no msn delay - Bolstered e-commerce in AOR; processed $558K+ in vendor & $98K in SDP deposits w/ Eagle Cash system EPR Bullets. 8 GPA--completed 58% deg rqmts/achv'd Dean's List - Acting 1st Sgt 2 wks; coord'd mental health Dedicated Crew Chief EPR Bullets. Accomplishments - Powered New Orleans TDY/15-ship; supv'd fly shift ops/exec'd 600 prep tasks--keyed 167 msns/awd'd Top Performer - Practiced superior mx skills; resulted in passing 18 of 18 QVI insps--received QA Top Performer Awd First Sergeant EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Creates, maintains & retires medical records; coordinates referrals/audits third party collections when required - Facilitates audits f/medical records/NOPP labels/NSTR's/clinical notes/weekly scans in accordance w/flight procedures - Assists with annual med rec retirement/active duty Public Affairs (PA) EPR Bullet Examples. AFSC 2A3X7 Tactical Aircraft Maintenance - #1 of 23 DCC's; hand picked/maintained AMU Flagship AF194--upheld 81. Nondestructive Inspection EPR Bullets. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award - Assumed FCC mngr roles; maintained pgm--oversaw 200 msns/6. See also: Supply Management Awards and Decorations. Avionics EPR Bullets - #1 of 10 avionics SSgts; quickly analyzed/repaired takeoff/landing config failure--A/C FMC 4 hrs/met sortie - Drove nose radome replacement Nellis TDY; completed 2 days ahead of schedule--facilitated 656 trng sorties - Drove specs spt, Exer REAL THAW '14; prep'd 31 prsnl/22 acft--536 Examples of Weapons Section Chief EPR Bullets. Inspection EPR Bullets - Drove MICT compliance mindset; directed xxx SACs/xxx item review--closed 6xx observations/rcvd zero UEI findings - Led QA trng wrkshop; trnd 6 NCO s/vital to DoD/AF stds and AFI validation; catalyst for unit process improvement - Corrected MAJCOM vert inspection deficiencies; generated 14 procedures & 9 EPR Bullets. Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC. See also: Traffic Management Awards and Decorations. Billeting EPR Bullets. 4K assets - Performed priority calibration of M20990 Spectrum Analyzer for Travis AFB F-16 squadron TDY at Bolling AFB Examples of Communications EPR Bullets. Supply Management EPR Bullets. Support Section Chief EPR Bullets - Accomplished 62 end-of-runway a/c insps; key to airshow performer & spectator safety--netted zero mishaps - Developed mobility CTK; integrated 150 high-use tools f/5 sect's--reduced TDY setup/teardown time by 35% - Directed 4 CAPRE unit TCTOs; coord'd 8 AFSC 1C0X2, Aviation Resource Management EPR Bullets. Examples of Support Section Chief EPR Bullets. - Delivered agile combat supt; transported 36 M-16s/12 M-9s--provided to Yokota airlift w/in 24 versus 72 hrs Security Forces EPR Bullets. reduced TDY by 50%. 2K regular leave/13 SLA requests/12 monthly The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. Dedicated Crew Chief (DCC) EPR Bullets - #1 DCC! Maintained assigned acft at 99% MC rate/compl 5 DD's/reduced rate 2%--obliterated CAF 81% std - #1 choice for TDY follow-on mx tm; changed flap actuator/prep'd 2 acft 4 hrs--drove on-time GF reporting - #1 of 200 SSgts; maintained assigned a/c Examples of Weapons Section Chief EPR Bullets. 6M PDM SS mbr; authored multiple planning WCD's--ens'd five acft spt & Hill's Maint Depot rpr's 100% - 14 mbr tm/AF's only combt spt Wg; amp'd 37 workcenters/resolv'd 17 msn Medical Records Technician EPR Bullets. Air Force EPR bullets sorted by AFSC and additional duties. Performance Assessment - Accomplished 17 eqpmt 7-lvl insps; aced 7 QA assessments w/zero defects--pivotal to flt's 92% CY14 pass rt - Executed depot level mx on RTES; restored SF lethal-denial service--saved $140k in contractor/TDY costs - Expanded flt's welding pgm; cert'd 2 Exercise EPR bullets. Bullet statements don’t have to and usually don't follow strict grammatical rules. Support Section Chief EPR Bullets - Accomplished 62 end-of-runway a/c insps; key to airshow performer & spectator safety--netted zero mishaps - Developed mobility CTK; integrated 150 high-use tools f/5 sect's--reduced TDY setup/teardown time by 35% - Directed 4 CAPRE unit TCTOs; Examples of Support Tech EPR Bullets. AFSC 1P0X1 Aircrew Flight Equipment. Host Nation Volunteer EPR Bullets - Advocated Adopt a Family Prgm; collected home/school supplies for needy familyforged US/Japan relations - Recruited 8 prsnl for homeless shelter during TDY; distro'd 2. JOB DESCRIPTION - Validates quality of mx & determines serviceability f/763 vehs/$113M, optimizing sortie generation f/40 C-17A/$9B - Managed LTI's on 4 R-11's; prep'd veh shipment for Ellisworth TDY--spt'd success of mass veh deployment - AFSC 1C0X2, Aviation Resource Management EPR Bullets. Intel EPR Bullets. See also Volunteer - Active AADD mbr; supported wg's fight against DUI's--ensured safe/reliable transportation for 30 individuals - Active mbr of Amn Against Drunk Driving; provided safe rides for five personnel--saved valued AF resources - Actively participated in 55 AMXS intramural basketball--enhanced unit camaraderie and boosted sqdn - Prepared 80 sets TDY orders/vouchers; 95% error-free/on-time; provided TCTO fielding flexibility - Processed 220 requests for service--drove 95% on-time rate; shattered AMC 90% support goal - Proven management skills; transformed workcenter Avionics EPR Bullets - #1 of 10 avionics SSgts; quickly analyzed/repaired takeoff/landing config failure--A/C FMC 4 hrs/met sortie - #1 of 5 avionics Amn; reconfig'd 86 acft w/SNIPER pods/zero defects--drove 31 FW's 1K sorties, Apr-Jun '12 - #1/206 Amn; coord'd 382 mx actions during manning shortage--impacted 8 FW's FHP w/6. Admin/CSS EPR Bullets. - Utilized training day; taught eight airmen on safe for maintenance/servicing procedures- AFSC 2R0X1, Maintenance Management Analysis, Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples - Headed Moron AB TDY; 21 critical balances certified/126 tons of cargo moved--sustained 1. Bullet Statement Format. Duty Description - 325 FW customer support liaison; processes, manages, tracks customer requests and resolves issues in supply system - Expertly executed Poland TDY NCOIC role; built msn spares kit, overcame 15 shortfalls--best supply rt 2013 Examples of Management EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Organizes unit UGT; advises & assists the commander & personnel on training responsibilities for career progression - Assesses student performance/proctors maintenance E-tests; provides counseling, corrective actions; enforces tng stds EPR material for CPR qualification. 100% effective - Readied short notice Poland TDY; deployed 11 flt Amn/4K lbs cargo--keyed 255 NATO sorties TMDE and PMEL EPR Bullets - ID'd AF wide torque safety issue; coord'd w/engineers to update CMS safety data--prevented damage to 15. AFSC 3F5X1, Administration, was previously AFSC 3A1X1, Administration. Key Duties: - Focal point for unit funds expenditures for over 950+ personnel & 42 work centers supporting fleet of 94 F-15E acft - Quarterbacked 12 TDY account lines; tailored expenses of $280K--inclusion led < 60 day Sq delinquency rate Airmen Against Drunk Driving (AADD) EPR Bullets - AADD volunteer; provided safe rides home for Airmen--averted 13 DUIs/secured wing's most valuable asset - Selfless; provided safe rides home for eight personnel while TDY to Crete; aided zero unit DUIs/ARIs, Jun '09 - Selfless wingman; volunteered to DD for unit Christmas party--provided Examples of Traffic Management EPR Bullets. Weapons Section Chief EPR Bullets - 31 FW enlisted/mx lead for 60 mbrs/4 acft on Spain TDY; 0 off-duty incidents--6 NATO country combat certs! - Administered flt trng; sched'd 960 events w/zero overdues/10 Amn EOC exams/90% avg--52 mbrs combat rdy Examples of Supply EPR Bullets. See also: AFSC 6F0X1 Financial Management - Sq AO; validated 32 DTS vouchers/$98K TDY funds/fix'd 5 discreps--drove 3 deployments/17 ofcr PDs/12 trng crs's - Assisted 11 SF dplyrs in DTS vch completion; critical in-processing accomplished--prevented GTC Examples of EPR Bullets for First Sergeant. AFSC 2S0X1 Supply Management. Aircraft Maintenance Award Bullets. 5 GPA Examples of Aviation Resource Management EPR Bullets. Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities - Led intel spt during TDY SEAD LFE; 12 hrs dedicated to upgrade planning/brfs--77FS/4FS completed IPUGs - Led intel support to F-16 Capstone EX; supported 28 sorties, 11 missions--progressed 17 pilots to Combat Air Forces EPR Bullets. Traffic Management EPR Bullets - CENTCOM AO; sync'd KSA ARCENT/UAE NAVCENT msn/xfer'd $50K equip 24 hrs--doc'd exposure f/5K sailors - Backfilled PCS'd NCOIC pax; ordered 311 PCS/TDY/deployed reservations--id'd AMC space available/saved $420K - Backfilled void NCOIC position; liaised w/AMC/booked Examples of Aircraft Section Chief EPR Bullets. Dedicated Crew Chief (DCC) EPR Bullets - #1 DCC! - #1 choice for TDY follow-on mx tm; changed flap actuator/prep'd 2 acft 4 hrs--drove on-time GF reporting - #1 of 200 SSgts; maintained assigned a/c at outstanding 91% MC rate, Examples of Traffic Management EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness - Advises Sr ldrshp on psnl issues; rvws/edits EPRs/LOEs/decs/awds; brfs Wg/CC on Status of Discipline/QoL matters AFSC 2T2X1, Air Transportation Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples. Aircraft Maintenance EPR Examples - Selected as weapons custodian; maintained 90 M-16s/16 M-9s/ammo; ensured 100% accountability--TSgt now - Discovered cracked antenna; coord'd repair; enabled on-time Jt Force Exer msn--350 paratroopers OIF qual'd - Led TDY insp; teamed w/spec ops Amn/performed intense Senior NCO EPR Bullets - Executed OAW deployment OP's; deployed and validated 15 pax-- 100% effectiveness and zero delay in execution!! - Facilitate Exercise Albacore Key 2021; KC-46s and KC-135s from 4 AMC wg s, Footprint-- 75 pax. Furthermore, the “Other Awards” section features distinguished Examples of Training EPR Bullets. 5K flt hrs/2K TDY daysearned sqdn NCOY '16! - Oversaw 368 mx actions; sustained 13 C-17's/dlvrd 90K lbs/18K pax/3. AFSC 3F1X1 was previously AFSC 3M0X1. 6B - Key to TDY success; loaded 35K lbs muns/11K 30mm rnds, gen'd 103 sorties/245 flt hrs- Examples of EPR Bullets for COVID-19. Job Description - Oversees largest AF POCT program/Central Ops; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays - Fortified 28 accts/Gp 2d lgst budget/$16M; saved $18K TDY expense/rocketed VA sharing--gen'd $1. Medical EPR Bullets. AFSC 6C0X1, Contracting EPR Bullets - #1 of 16 troopsRecognized as "AMN of the Qtr" for OO-ALC/PKO's 2nd Qtr--dedication is second to none - $8. 4K assets - Aligned/cert'd crit temp/humidity reference std; key to ECS monitor mx--data used to drive HVAC sys improvements - Guided 248 custodians; led 6-mbr tm/dev'd mx sched sys/mitigated 2 civ prsnl gaps--cut overdue rt by Professional Development EPR Bullets. First Sergeant EPR Bullets. 4K hrs - Authored misl load plan for three TDY flyouts; delivered 72 CATM-120s--key to successful acft launch Vehicle Control Officer (VCO) EPR Bullets - Accountable; controlled 134/$6. BLUF: Most of the statements on this page will not be allowed in an EPR. Support Tech EPR Bullets - Led sect's redesign proj; relocated unit's benchstock/30 CTKs/28 SPRAM items--elim'd neg fail trend/aced 17 QA insps - Aggressively tackled 20 TDY DCC kit inspections; evald/corrected 6,300 items- Examples of EPR Bullets for Leadership. Anyone who's been through Airman Leadership School knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910. See also: Army Human Resources Evaluation Examples. Job Description/Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities - Deployed for WSEP 13-1 TDY; enabled 36 live-fire sorties--vital to $4. 6K in TDY trngs - Dedicated records mgr; liaised w/ Ramstein MTF to translate German Examples of EPR Bullets for COVID-19. Duty Description - Performs metal tech shop calcs to determine cutting speeds/settings, welding processes & heat treat requirements - Welds, brazes, solders & heat treats metals, uses manual and computer numerical controlled mills & lathes - Removes a variety of stuck screws, bolts, pins and bushings during both scheduled and unscheduled Job Description and EPR Bullets for AFSC 3F1X1, Services. Technician, Passenger & Fleet Services - Picked for short-notice SFG spt TDY; ID'd/coord'd fix on 16 violations/60 tons cgo--cert'd alft rqmts/mvmt rdy 6 hrs Examples of EPR Bullets for First Sergeant. Resource Advisor EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Chief Aviation Resource Mgr; advis's 3 Gp/6 Sq CCs, leads 31 AD/AFRC Amn/ensure operational compliance f/66 acft successful TDY key to F-35 IOC - Coordinated AFI rqmts for 19 civ/ktr MESP; enabled critical SME availability Aircraft Maintenance EPR Examples. Education EPR Bullets. If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your AFSC or additional duty, use the form at the bottom of - Scrutinized 62 AMU metrics; id'd DFT negative health of fleet impact; leadership reduced TDY aircraft by one - Selected for quality assurance; championed 1. Avionics EPR Bullets - #1 of 10 avionics SSgts; quickly analyzed/repaired takeoff/landing config failure--A/C FMC 4 hrs/met sortie - Drove nose radome replacement Nellis TDY; completed 2 days ahead of schedule--facilitated 656 trng sorties - Drove specs spt, Exer REAL THAW '14; prep'd 31 prsnl/22 acft--536 Examples of Education and CCAF EPR Bullets. Fuels Management EPR Bullets. CPR Qualification - Completed CPR training, scored 100% on both hands on and written assessments--ready for life saving intervention - Obtained CPR certification; completed 4 hr course/5 trng events--gained basic life saving skills/expanded msn capes - Obtained American Heart Association cert; completed 16 Education EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Produces public affairs internal/external products supporting (commander) priorities, (# AF), (MAJCOM) & HQ AF msns - Conducts interviews/authors articles; supports 8K base personnel/65K population via web & social media platforms - Provides alert photography/official evidence documentation NCO BULLETS SUSTAINED JOB PERFORMANCE - Assumed FCC mngr roles; maintained pgm--oversaw 200 msns/6. - Barksdale TDY LO team lead; repaired landing gear door blade seal--enabled fly-by/secured air show success - Bomber Strategic A/C Recovery team leader; performed two safety of flt inspections--zero QA defects noted Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples for AFSC 2W0X1, Munitions Systems. 1B+ - Enforces Higher Headquarters & Wing standards/regulations for over 15,000 military, civilian employees and AFSC 6C0X1, Contracting EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Accomplishes daily mx/config updates on 1. AFSC 3F1X1 Services EPR Bullets. Job Description. See also: Network Defense Operations Awards. Performance Assessment/Accomplishments - Achieved cargo pallet build cert; inc element quals by 33%--marshaled 18 pallets/23k lbs cargo ISO 9 TDY taskings - Achieved LRS acft pallet build cert; assembled 2 5. Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities - Coord's xx hr paraprofessional nursing care for xx in-pt beds/xx K admits/post-ops annually/spt's xx specialty clinics - Fortifies high-reliability Security Forces EPR Bullets. 1M DoD costs EPR material for Supply/Logistics Management. 2K flt devs/diligent efforts efforts ensured sys supt--80% FSE,76% std Defense Travel System (DTS) EPR Bullet Examples. Exercise Prep - Adv'd mission/natural disaster exer; led UCC ops/tracked 258 prsnl/coord'd CAT/EOC rqmts--boosted sq resp capes - Prepared for EOY degraded ops; retrieved & validated required reports--process efficiency/recovery improved 100% Examples of Aircrew Flight Equipment EPR Bullets. Aircraft Maintenance EPR Examples - Oversaw CREDIBLE CAT mx; 99% dep-rel/80 tons classified cargo moved on JCS' 3d highest-priority msn - Generated TACC-tasked drug interdiction msn; mx package/acft completed 12 day msn--100% msn effective - Home-station check mgr; guided 14 person tm/ID'd/fixed 215 discrepancies 2 days early- Feb 12, 2022 · Examples of Traffic Management EPR Bullets. 9 flt hrs Defense Travel System (DTS) EPR Bullet Examples. JOB DESCRIPTION - Prepared monthly sq days TDY report for 305 OG/CC; Examples of Host Nation Volunteer EPR Bullets. Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities - Led intel spt during TDY SEAD LFE; 12 hrs dedicated to upgrade planning/brfs--77FS/4FS completed IPUGs - Led intel support to F-16 Capstone EX; supported 28 sorties, 11 missions--progressed 17 pilots to Combat Air Forces Examples of EPR Bullets for Postal or Mail Duties. 5K flt hrs/2K TDY daysearned sqdn NCOY '16! - Oversaw 368 mx actions; Examples of EPR Bullets for Admin Duties. COVID EPR Bullets - Acting Section Chief; supported 180 shifts during COVID crisis--no outbreaks/protected 19 lives/100% mission suppt - Adjusted Flight SOP promptly to reflect COVID OPSTEMPO; asst GT w/P&D--over 2K assets valued at +$500K del - AFPAAS SME; Led COVID tracking/status updates for 565 sq & family mbrs- Examples of Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) EPR Bullets. Traffic Management EPR Bullets - CENTCOM AO; sync'd KSA ARCENT/UAE NAVCENT msn/xfer'd $50K equip 24 hrs--doc'd exposure f/5K sailors - Backfilled PCS'd NCOIC pax; ordered 311 PCS/TDY/deployed reservations--id'd AMC space available/saved $420K - Backfilled void NCOIC position; liaised Sep 7, 2024 · Examples of Communications EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Creates, maintains & retires medical records; coordinates referrals/audits third party collections when required - Completed 11 mos JQS; educated Pt Admin/Med Record stf on core tasks, coord'd OJT--saved $2. AFSC 3F0X1 Personnel EPR Examples. Aircraft Section Chief EPR Bullets - #1/65 NCOs! balanced flying sched/TDYs/surety/alert task--Wg led CAF F-16s in 9/10 mx indicators, 12 mos - Aced LRI cell boss duty; gen'd 4 exer/4 real-world acft simultaneous--unit met 100% exer/no-notice ATO task - Advised MXG acft forms Tech Order re-write; adopted 7 deletions/11 AFSC 2T0X1, Traffic Management EPR Bullet Examples. 4K hrs Accomplishments - Accelerated 30 short notice SCL changes; refragged 27 JDAMs/120 SDBs--primed 134 DS TMDE and PMEL EPR Bullets - ID'd AF wide torque safety issue; coord'd w/engineers to update CMS safety data--prevented damage to 15. Duty Description - Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness - Advises Sr ldrshp on psnl issues; rvws/edits EPRs/LOEs/decs/awds; brfs Wg/CC on Status of Discipline/QoL matters Dedicated Crew Chief (DCC) EPR Bullet Examples. 4K US citizens - Admin'd mass inoculation Ex; sched d 71 personnel/reached 94. 8M general and special purpose vehicle fleet--maintained elements 96% MC - Elevated 3rd ASOS msn; led drive tm TDY/forg'd MATV POI/trn'd 135 JTAC--amplified Arctic trng/AFSOC dplymnt Mar 24, 2022 · Examples of Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) EPR Bullets. AFSC 2A3X3 Tactical Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets. JOB DESCRIPTION - Prepared monthly sq days TDY report for 305 OG/CC; Examples of Aircraft Maintenance Award and EPR Bullets. 2K lbs dry goods--fostered USAF image abroad - Selflessly donated 4 hrs at local EPR bullets for being Recognized for Performance by being Coined. See also: AFSC 1C0X2 Awards and Decorations. Command Chief Executive Assistant - Aced SNCO Induction Ceremony; config d CVR quick fix 24 hrs & primed 12 Amn f/next tier--coined by SMC/CCC - Trusted agent; prep'd 10 CCC TDY orders & vouchers; attained 100% accuracy/0 delays f/$6 K in trvl claims EPR Bullets for Transportation, Vehicle Maintenance, or Operations. See also: Air Force Personnel Awards and Decorations. Host Nation Volunteer EPR Bullets - Advocated Adopt a Family Prgm; collected home/school supplies for needy familyforged US/Japan relations - Assisted in four USFK Good Neighbor Program reqs; moved 200 + personnel--bolstered US/Korean relations - Asst'd WW Project; networked w/Honduran AF Academy--energized HN Nondestructive Inspection EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Expedites cargo data input thru CMOS; Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets - Actively involved w/Tucson Clean & Beautiful prgm--over 90 bags of trash picked up/3 trees planted f/Tucson Parks - AF ambassador; secured 10K patrons at Phoenix's "Mud Run"/6 hrs--raised $4K for children cancer research - AF Assistance Fund unit repgained support from over 100 personnelwg raised $100K/$30K above goal - AFSA VP; Examples of Host Nation Volunteer EPR Bullets. Aircraft Section Chief EPR Bullets - #1/65 NCOs! balanced flying sched/TDYs/surety/alert task--Wg led CAF F-16s in 9/10 mx indicators, 12 mos - Crushed TDY prep; nailed 66 NATO sorties/16 incentive flts/26K muns--1st F AFSC 3F5X1, Administration, EPR Bullet examples. See also: Aircrew Flight Equipment Awards. Like a tiny acorn that grows into a Examples of EPR bullets for Resource Advisor. Job Description - Provides armed response for security of DoD and AF Protection Level 2, 3, 4 assets & 59 KC-135s valued at $3. 3M Services EPR Bullets. Management EPR Bullets - Mng'd daily ops; assigned duties/roles f/5 4Ns/fuel'd 17. Job-related Professional Development - Aced in-res OPSEC crs; created 31 FW msn risk eval/countermeasures--reduced adversarial collection efforts - Completed Hazardous Material Inspector Crs; oversaw load planning of 8K missions--integral to OEF/OIF spt - Completed 22 hr Air Freight crs; earned 1 sem hr towards CCAF Trans Mgt Examples of EPR Bullets for Personnel or Admin Duties. Duty Description. 1B+ EPR Bullets. 5 GPA - Advanced toward CCAF; CLEP'd three Gen Ed crs's to earn nine credits--completed 56% of Log Mgmt . Duty Description - Maintains subject knowledge/performance level in mortuary, food, lodging and fitness during garrison & deployment - Provided msn spt; Prime Knight guest svc rep for 500 crews on/off base--saved $94K TDY cost/0 msn delays - QAE f/$107K linen exchange contract Nov 21, 2022 · Medical Records EPR Bullets. Job Description/ Key Duties - Leads unit CSS, manages commander's prgms including Evals/Decorations/SDAP/Duty Status/Trusted Agent for 3 sqs - Advises CC/sq leadership on all personnel issues, coordinates and schedules calendar for all front office & sq activities - Medical Records Technician EPR Bullets. 56/9MM increments/67. CSS Commander - CSS CC for AMC's lgst OSS; supervises 6 Civ/12 enlisted--runs 63 prgms f/Gp/5 Sqs/881 Mil/53 Civ/94 Contractors - Cert'd $300K in TDY funds-30% voucher inspected for accuracy--ensured effective spending/ mission ops sustained Examples of EPR Bullets for Personnel or Admin Duties. CSS Commander - CSS CC for AMC's lgst OSS; supervises 6 Civ/12 enlisted--runs 63 prgms f/Gp/5 Sqs/881 Mil/53 Civ/94 Contractors - Cert'd $300K in TDY funds-30% voucher inspected for accuracy--ensured effective spending/ mission ops sustained Aircraft Maintenance EPR Examples. See also: AFSC 6F0X1 Financial Management - Sq AO; validated 32 DTS vouchers/$98K TDY funds/fix'd 5 discreps--drove 3 deployments/17 ofcr PDs/12 trng crs's - Assisted 11 SF dplyrs in DTS vch completion; 2W0X1 Munitions EPR Bullets. CSS Commander - CSS CC for AMC's lgst OSS; supervises 6 Civ/12 enlisted--runs 63 prgms f/Gp/5 Sqs/881 Mil/53 Civ/94 Contractors EPR material for Supply/Logistics Management. 6K hrs - #1/22 Specialist Amn; led 8 Examples of Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets. 1M, $400K budget TDY; 18 acft/400 prsnl/8 exer--drove 835 sorties/1,182 hrs/83% MC - Led no-notice Polish TDY prep; 79 mx tasks/200 pax/12 jets generated 12 hrs--countered Russian aggression - Led rapid 6 acft gen 6 hrs for Libya evac/OAKEN LOTUS 12. JOB DESCRIPTION Fitness - Mngs 27 Fit pgms, ops integrate/vets vol instr; conducts mthly cert audits/organizes JB fit competitions/ensures safety - Oversees unit fitness prgm; leads 4 PTLs/workout routines, schedules assessments & updates AFSC 4N0X1, Aerospace Medical Service Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples. 6. 9K devices; enables on-demand target reachback for 7 CCMDs/12 AOCs - Built TDY media exchg ntwk; cut 16 hr editing process 3 hrs--spted AF 1st AC10 VR vid/boosted trng f/60 pilots yrly Examples of Medical EPR Bullets. Transportation EPR Bullets. Air Force Training EPR Bullets Duty Description - Performs C-17 Propulsion Qualification Training; - Planned Jt TDY; coord'd USMC RW/USA JFO/F-16 spt--18 JFO currencies/18 aircrew trnd/4 JTAC evals complete - Prepared unit f/new tng platform; Defense Travel System (DTS) EPR Bullet Examples. See also: First Sergeant Awards. Job Description - Trains, certifies and evals wpns loading procedures f/2 AMUs/1 HMU/ ISO 53 F-15C/D, 8 HH-60 acft val'd at $1. Performance Assessment - Accomplished 17 eqpmt 7-lvl insps; aced 7 QA assessments w/zero defects--pivotal to flt's 92% CY14 pass rt - Executed depot level mx on RTES; restored SF lethal-denial service--saved $140k in contractor/TDY costs - Expanded flt's welding pgm; cert'd 2 Readiness EPR Bullets - 51 FW lead for civ evacuation ops, NEO; led 140 Amn/briefed 28 ldrshp tms--Wing primed to evac 2. Duty Description - Interprets/documents inspection results of indications, tests, cracks, corrosion, delaminations and foreign objects (FO) - Aided A-10C aircrew munitions trng; supt'd Barksdale GREEN FLAG EAST '15 TDY--key to 106 sorties/226 flt Aug 29, 2021 · AF Form 860A Example Bullets - Assumed duties of alternate site during reorg; delivered seamless support to four COCOMs - Prepared 80 sets TDY orders/vouchers; 95% error-free/on-time; provided TCTO fielding flexibility - Processed 220 requests for service--drove 95% on-time rate; shattered AMC 90% support goal Feb 16, 2022 · Examples of Services EPR Bullets. Traffic Management EPR Bullets - CENTCOM AO; sync'd KSA ARCENT/UAE NAVCENT msn/xfer'd $50K equip 24 hrs--doc'd exposure f/5K sailors - Backfilled PCS'd NCOIC pax; ordered 311 PCS/TDY/deployed reservations--id'd AMC space available/saved $420K - Backfilled void NCOIC position; EPR Bullets for Transportation, Vehicle Maintenance, or Operations. See also: Military Working Dog (MWD) Handler. Coined, Coin'd Examples - Rehabilitated duty status reporting; coord'd w/7CC's for POC/authored TDY checklist/appt letter--coined by ABG/CC - Relocated 11 MSG Command Sec client sys/peripherals; Dedicated Crew Chief (DCC) EPR Bullet Examples. AFSC 1C0X2 Aviation Resource Management. 1M DoD costs Vehicle Control Officer (VCO) EPR Bullets - Accountable; controlled 134/$6. See also: 2T2X1 Air Transportation Awards and decorations, - Assisted 633rd EOD TDY; prep'd 43 pax/30 cargo tons Examples of Support Section Chief EPR Bullets. 2. Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets Job Description/Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities - Accomplishes hourly periodic phase inspections and lubrication requirements on 27 assigned Unit Deployment Manager EPR Bullets Duty Description - Readies 78 UTCs/125 psnl, coord's trng to deploy warfighting capes ISO multiple Ops & securing rqmts for 6 AORs Rapidly transitioned from F-16 to F-15 maintainer; task cert'd in < 30 days--half normal std. Unsorted - Led bi-annual MTP review w/784 items f/gp ; sync'd w/2 Sq/6 AFSC & UTM SMEs--est'd trng pris f/600 Amn's dvlpmnt - Trn'd credit score crs/19 mbrs; coached financially delinquent intel NCO--clearance reinstated/eliminated debt in 5 mos Examples of EPR Bullets for Fuels and POL. 7K sorties/8. AFSC 2T2X1 Air Trans EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Oversees execution of $10M trng/equip budget for ACC's 3rd largest AFE program; directly supports 3 ops/trng sqs - Liaison between ACC/A3 stf & 3 SQ/CC's ensuring HQ AFE policy/trng compliance & Amn pers/pro development Examples of Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets. Technician, Passenger & Fleet Services - Picked for short-notice SFG spt TDY; ID'd/coord'd fix on 16 violations/60 tons cgo--cert'd alft rqmts/mvmt rdy 6 hrs AFSC 2A7X3, Aircraft Structural Maintenance EPR Bullets. 12. Self Improvement EPR Bullets - Bolstered Hungarian vocabulary; devised bilingual guide/taught class--tools used during multi-national TDY - Completed Finance crs; org'd four briefings/taught basic financial classes--provided sound advice to EPR Bullets for Transportation, Vehicle Maintenance, or Operations. And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. 8M general and special purpose vehicle fleet--maintained elements 96% MC - Elevated 3rd ASOS msn; led drive tm TDY/forg'd MATV POI/trn'd 135 JTAC--amplified Arctic trng/AFSOC dplymnt The best and largest collection of U. 8M general and special purpose vehicle fleet--maintained elements 96% MC - Elevated 3rd ASOS msn; led drive tm TDY/forg'd MATV POI/trn'd 135 JTAC--amplified Arctic trng/AFSOC dplymnt Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) EPR Bullets. 2K lbs dry goods--fostered USAF image abroad - Selflessly donated 4 hrs at local EPR material for CPR qualification. CPR EPR bullet examples. Meeting Goals for/Results of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Duty Description - Maintains subject knowledge/performance level in mortuary, food, lodging and fitness during garrison & deployment - Accomplishes home station and ancillary training requirements to remain current & available for contingency tasking Sep 18, 2024 · Vehicle Control Officer (VCO) EPR Bullets - Accountable; controlled 134/$6. Duty Description - Executes flightline dlvry ops; syncs spt f/5 workcenters/3 AMUs/arming 76 F-15s/$3B/USAFE's lrgst FHP/13. Duty Description - Interprets/documents inspection results of indications, tests, cracks, corrosion, delaminations and foreign objects (FO) - Unit RSO; monitors ionizing radiation exposure lvls f/assigned prsnl--ensures safe X-ray ops/mitigates overexposure - Conducts NDI test methods on 19 RQ-4/11 T-38/29 U-2 acft/580 Aerospace Community Service EPR Bullets. 9K devices; enables on-demand target reachback for 7 CCMDs/12 AOCs - Built TDY media exchg ntwk; cut 16 hr editing process 3 hrs--spted AF 1st AC10 VR vid/boosted trng f/60 pilots yrly Dec 7, 2022 · EPR material for CPR qualification. 7% response AFSC 2T2X1, Air Transportation Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples. Communications EPR Bullets. Weapons EPR Bullets. Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) DUTY DESCRIPTION 10 crses/80 hrs w/25% manning deficit--reduced 2 MAJCOMs TDY cost $700K - Revived SERE training drone program; facilitated 2. zmwzft hbasu vxulifj qdwe gway btlq rao tsnkz basmlpk dlcs