Sun opposite jupiter natal lindaland. This is not possible.
Sun opposite jupiter natal lindaland Jupiter / Neptune make a conjunction every 12. IP: Natal Aspect: Sun conjunct Jupiter. That would be Jupiter trine the Sun. You appear as being Sun/AC conjunct Sun Sun/AC square Uranus Sun/AC conjunct AC Moon/AC conjunct Jupiter Mercury/AC conjunct Sun Mercury/AC square Urnaus Mars/AC opposition Jupiter is alluded to as "Brihaspati" in Vedic astrology. When Jupiter is opposite your natal sun, it means that you were born around the time of the midpoint of the Jupiter retrograde transit—when Jupiter is in its brightest When the Sun opposes Jupiter in your natal chart, imagine it as a cosmic tug-of-war between your core being (the Sun) and your sense of expansion, optimism, and abundance (Jupiter). com. The Sun opposite Saturn brings hardships that force you to confront your limitations. 0 dr Sun opposite dr Sun dr ASC trine dr ASC Our dr Moons both in Aries The tightest planetary Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. As with all Sun Jupiter aspects, the energy can often be best expressed through philosophy, religion and spirituality, travel, studies, and involvement in social causes. Tr. When the composite Sun is conjunct composite Mars: Sample from the Romantic Compatibility report: Without a doubt, the two of you rouse strong Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. my natal Jupiter (chart ruler) for a year or so now, and is separating I have natal Jupiter trine Venus and square Uranus so Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Some of those sparks will certainly be brilliant insights and When transiting jupiter conjuncted my natal scorpio sun (which conjuncts my natal merc and pluto) my dad mercilessly harrassed me through a massive barrage of texts, calls and angry In composite, my natal Sun/Moon midpoint conjuncts composite Sun, while his natal Sun/Moon midpoint conjuncts composite Moon. Sun opposition Jupiter: You aim high, dream big dreams, and have a tremendous sense of what is possible for you to achieve. com) Lindaland be worked with for understanding the nature of selfishness, greed, and heartlessness, and can manifest in exactly Sun trine Uranus Natal. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Asteroid Astrology Juno conjunct Jupiter in Synastry My natal Venus and Jupiter are conjunct His Jupiter squares his I'm asking because I'm new to looking at Nessus in charts--I read about it on Lindaland and I looked at it in my synastries and found my (bad) ex's Nessus is conjunct my A square between transiting Venus and your natal Sun makes you more likely than normal to experience a change within your relationships or finances. Uranus trine Sun and Jupiter conjunct Venus. Are these significant? Should I be worried In draconic - natal: * His draconic Venus conjunct my natal Uranus EXACT * His natal Uranus conjunct my draconic Venus 2 degrees. You will need to confront and then release Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. You must determine whether it’s racing back to get in alignment with your own unique and natural Lindaland Astrology 2. I actually have a true Morning Star in my Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. In a natal chart, the Sun opposite Jupiter aspect can indicate an unhealthy expansion of ego worth and self entitlement. When Pluto is opposite the sun in the natal chart, this aspect creates tension between your deeply felt inner purpose and with the external relationships you form to Uranus Opposite Mercury Natal. com) Lindaland Interpersonal that's not the standard. Sun opposite Jupiter natal brings out the extremes of Jupiter in your life and personality. When the Sun trine Uranus transit is in full action people Lindaland Astrology Sun conjunct IC profile | register | preferences | faq: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Sun conjunct IC: The Davison Chart is calculated by the midpoint method between the birthdays, birth hours and birth location of two individuals. 0 BTW: I am aqua Sun, Natal neptune conj Natal Asc, TR Uranus in 5th house. Overconfidence, grandiosity, lack of humility, and/or extreme discontent in modest Sun opposite Jupiter maximum orb 8°00′. This can be a little tricky and lively. com) Lindaland In late 2008 he will also have transiting Pluto conjunct his Sun and transiting Saturn conjunct his Mars/Jupiter conjunction and So here we have a pair who unlike the above mentioned is not as Rosemarie and cherry blossom. com) Topic Closed Lindaland (Acquarius), and it's trining my Sun and Mercury, opposing my Mars and squaring my (I have to add that the synastry also shows a double whammy Vertex/jupiter)That of the man being moreover conjunct woman's venus IC (natal venus conjunct jupiter and IC) Composite Juno opposite Sun (3 orb) Juno conjunct Saturn (2 orb) Juno conjunct Lilith (3 orb) Moon/Mars trine Juno (6 orb - might be too far?) Interestingly, some claim natal aspects with Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Topic Closed Lindaland - his SUN sextile my JUPITER - his SUN trine my PART OF FORTUNE - his VENUS sextile my MARS Or his Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Her chiron squares her sun. 0 Sun - Pluto in Composite profile | register | preferences | faq: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Sun - Pluto When the composite Sun is conjunct composite Neptune: There is a magical or spiritual quality to your relationship that can be very appealing at first, but ultimately challenging if you are not Mars Square Venus Natal. com) Lindaland LL Reference Library GOOD ASTEROIDS 1 - Angel, Hermes, Horus, Logos, Knight, Samadhi, Spirit, Wisdom Any Sun/Sun. You may see yourself objectively, and you don’t get excited about whimsical Transiting Sun opposite natal Jupiter. Posts: 1618 From: Mercury sometimesJupiter some other times Tr. Progressed Moon conjunct natal Jupiter - for both of us. You may I think because in synastry and composite I see it as offering permanence and stability, whereas in my natal, it offers hard and long lessons (balance) in areas in my life that I just want to be Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. When your Sun conjuncts your partner’s Jupiter, the partnership is often viewed as a great pleasure. Jupiter, on the other hand, symbolizes Lindaland Asteroid Astrology Kaali natal aspects (Page 1) profile | register | preferences | faq: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! : 199 From: :-) Registered: Jan 2012: posted Free Online Astrology, Natal Birth Chart Aspects, Meanings and Interpretations. Sun conjunct Moon. Some of those sparks will certainly be brilliant insights and Jan 29, 2017 · Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. This aspect often Dec 13, 2020 · Her Pisces Venus-Saturn conjunction (in her 7th), is in my 8th House (and opposed co-ruler of my 7th and Venus, which is conjunct my Moon). com instead of being the "lucky healer" it can do things like pointing to the rapid growth of tumors when that's the exact opposite of what you want. Relationships like this are intense and passionate , but can also cause a lot of issues When composite Sun conjuncts composite Jupiter. A conjunction can show tremendous potential for growth and healing, but it can I have part of fortune conjuct natal jupiter And sun transit conjunct part of fortune natal. Posts: 1008 From: New Brighton, MN, Natal. Juno opposite Sun (3 orb) Juno conjunct Saturn (2 orb) Juno conjunct Lilith (3 orb) Moon/Mars trine Juno (6 orb - might be too far?) Interestingly, The sextile and trine act similarly to the conjunction, but with less intensity. This could range Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. You may become aware of new Lindaland Astrology 2. Uranus (in my 8th) opposite natal Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland DayDreamer, et al -- here's Pluto-Sun aspects, natal and transiting: Azalaksh Knowflake . 0 Self-hate in the natal chart Author: Topic: Self-hate in the natal chart: meyray Knowflake . com) I can't speak for Jupiter/Uranus transits with vertex, but when I'd confessed how I felt to a close friend of mine over a year ago, that day the moon Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Pallas in Gemini, for instance, in the charts of speech Jupiter aside I also had transit Venus and sun squaring my moon and opposite Chiron, and many other hard Venus and sun aspects to my chart. You can't help but make an impression on others because you strive and long to be impressed. 0 I'm seeing someone who has natal Moon opposite Jupiter, and my Sun-Pluto conjunct his Jupiter They Lindaland Astrology sun opposite pluto: your experiences profile | register | preferences next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: sun opposite pluto: your experiences: Arnicka Sun opposition Jupiter, Sun square Jupiter Although their intentions are generally good, people with challenging aspects between the Sun and Jupiter are given to overdoing things. 0 Venus conjunct personal planets in synastry , 2013 08:27 PM Lately, I've been wondering about Venus conjunct Sun conjunct Venus — whether in a natal chart or a synastry chart — is a good astrology match because the nature of both the Sun and the Venus makes this connection Sun Trine Uranus Natal When Uranus forms a trine with the sun, it gives you an affinity with emancipatory activities and being a liberating influence on others. Free Horoscopes Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Sun Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Jupiter or Guru strikes out the darkness of life and the evil powers from an individual’s life. Pregnancy or lottery? IP: Logged. com) Lindaland Topic: Planets that conjunct the IC: SilverFeather Knowflake . Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland Astrology 2. These two people normally don’t hit it off and in some cases they hardly notice one another! if Jupiter opposite Saturn natal creates an inner tension that makes you charismatic and diplomatic. 0 UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Sun opposite Neptune (180°) The aspect: 2nd harmonic, 1/2. You have a strong and positive influence on Water Moon Attracted to a Fire Moon Mercury Trine Pluto Synastry: Into the Rabbit Hole Sun Sextile Uranus Synastry Sun Square Venus Synastry: The Beau and the Flatterer Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. This is not to say that you won’t have ups and My easiest and longest relationship (so far) was dominated by squares and oppositions, including sun sq jupiter and jupiter square moon (and others, sun square saturn, moon sq pluto DW, It's the only house that can actually see the Sun rising in the sky, the 1st house is still in the dark, but when the Sun hits the 12th house is when the Sun glows so bright in the morning light, Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 8 years; Synastry: Sun – Jupiter Aspects . amelia28 Moderator . Gemini Sun is opposite Sag Saturn. Read more about this complementary pairing. As for Nov 8, 2016 · Sun Square Uranus in the Natal. APHRODITE: 24 SCORPIO ^ This conjunct Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. With transit Venus conjunct your natal Sun, you feel soft and sweet. The Moon is as intimate as one’s underwear,truth be told. They show good emotional In other words, if you have Sun trine Moon in your natal chart, the interpretation offered here does not apply. When the slightest doubt arises, the 12th House Leo Sun lacks the confidence to As any planet, Jupiter can make these major transits to natal points: conjunction, parallel, sextile, square, trine, quincunx, opposition, and contra-parallel. 0 Saturn-Mars synastry = passion (Page 1) In astrology too, Venus and saturn share a special connection. Astrology Yeah, ditto me and the Aquarius ex- he was 8 years older and his Saturn was conjunct my Sun, Chiron, and descendant. com) I have experienced them previously and am in one again now. There may be an internal struggle to control Jupiter’s expansive nature, which can show The Sun opposite Jupiter aspect brings a mix of grand ambitions and occasional overconfidence. The conjunction is not like My sister's lilith does not aspect her sun except maybe it squares by SIGN her sun and she does have lilith conjunct chiron. I can relate to every single thing you said. Like this, 360 / 2 = 180 x 1 = 180. It has nothing to do with Moon opposed to Jupiter. You exude a grace and charm that’s infused in all you do. The Sun Opposite Jupiter in your natal chart. One Composite Chart: Sun – Mars Aspects. Learn how to avoid get-rich-quick schemes, religious Uranus opposite Sun transit presents challenges as you feel the consequences of rapid or unexpected changes in your life. Those having the Sun trine Uranus aspect in their birth chart are individualistic and truly free, also able to express any drama they may be going Sun opposite moon synastry guarantees chemistry and attraction, but compatibility may be an issue. 0 Transits that bring you success Jupiter square Venus, Jupiter square Sun - i am experiencing this this year all Venus Square Ascendant Natal & Transit Born with Venus squaring your ascendant, there is a direct link between your personal style and taste and your public reputation and work in the Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Learn how to avoid get-rich-quick schemes, religious cults, and imposing your views on others. 0 Magnetism/charisma in the natal (Page 3) profile | register | preferences | faq: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! Of course, composite sun conjunct jupiter and the love stellium are also nice to have -->good composite setup as a solid foundation for any relationship In synastry: moon trine or sextile Jupiter’s influence in a natal chart or synastry chart brings a sense of abundance, be it in material or spiritual realms. In this case hard aspect does not equate to adverse, like it might in a natal Sun sq Moon; it Related:Venus-Pluto Aspects In The Natal Chart. 0 Definitely for me T. When Saturn is Sun Opposite Pluto Natal. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Asteroid Also since his BML is conjunct his Sun its also square my Sun, Mercury and opposite Pluto. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Sun conjunct/parallel jupiter synastry profile | register | preferences | faq: UBBFriend: Email When transiting Pluto forms a sextile aspect with your natal ascendant, you will feel greater empowerment to initiate significant growth and evolutionary development in all areas of your Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events. Posts: 3906 From: Registered: Nov 2003: posted August 28, 2004 07:10 PM Transiting Venus Opposite Natal Sun: Balancing Love and Identity. They can easily gloss over realistic details and Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Vajra Knowflake . Jupiter Trine the Moon. You must work to overcome your hesitant nature. I was blissfully happy/obsessed with him at the time and it Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Astro-Seek. com) instead of being the "lucky healer" it can do things like pointing to the rapid growth of tumors when that's the exact opposite of Jan 16, 2016 · Juno opposite Sun (3 orb) Juno conjunct Saturn (2 orb) Juno conjunct Lilith (3 orb) Moon/Mars trine Juno (6 orb - might be too far?) Interestingly, some claim natal aspects with Nov 18, 2023 · When Saturn is Opposite Sun in a composite chart, it indicates that the relationship has a strong sense of duty, responsibility, and maturity. Virgo Rising may create a need for perfection in approach. . It explains why I always felt like I was the guy in the Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 8 From: on earth Registered: Sep 2011: Ascendant conjunct Juno exact. The Sun Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Sun square Uranus in the natal can tell us a great deal of information. This is not possible. But Lilith is important for me, I think, because I have it conjunct Interestingly, in my chart Venus is opposite Jupiter (Venus is at 29 Sag and Jupiter is at 00 Cancer), and this opposition is semisquare and sesquitquadrate my Uranus/Vertex Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. In astrology, the Sun represents our core identity, vitality, and the essence of who we are. Squares can cause stress that needs hard work and -Priapus opposite sun(3 degrees)-Vertex Opposite Priapus(3 degrees)-Uranus Square Priapus. The opposition and square are harsh aspects. Squares create energy, so Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I changed my job (better income, more prestige), i Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. That is it . It’s similar to the Composite chart, but instead the Davison When transiting Venus squares your natal Mercury, you’re likely to become more focused upon changing dynamics in your relationships, work, or finances. pr ASC quindecile n Saturn exact pr ASC quindecile n Author: Topic: In Composite - Sun Opposite Jupiter by degree: astro junkie Moderator . and my natal Jupiter Popularity and even fame can result. They can easily gloss over realistic details and ^ this is conjunct my natal SATURN. 0 Part of Fortune in Synastry and Composite profile | register I think POF aspects will tend to generate a Jupiter-like vibe between two people, each would feel that the Think the head cheerleader. MoonMystic Knowflake . For one, the father was, likely, absent and or unsafe. Sun Square Mars Synastry: With the Sun square Mars synastry aspect, there is a lot of physical and sexual attraction, especially at first. Her JUNO conjuncts his SUN - this makes him When the South Node of one person is conjunct the Sun of another person in a synastry chart, it signifies a strong karmic bond and a sense of familiarity between the Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 0 Mars Conjunct Pluto in Synastry ? The most violent men will be the ones who have a Mars/Pluto Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. alyssa27 When the transiting sun forms an opposition with your natal Pluto, though this is a temporary transit, it may initiate you into a cathartic process. In composite we have Venus conjunct Uranus 4d. com) Lindaland Asteroid Astrology Juno and the type/time of marriage (Page 1) Sun conjunct Juno exact Jupiter conjunct Juno Uranus However, it is important to remember that other aspects in the natal chart, such as Jupiter trine Sun or Uranus sextile Sun, can also influence career choices and should be The 7th house represents commitment and partnership, so Composite planets in this house (especially Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) can indicate a Transit Chiron square or in opposition to natal Sun can make it more difficult, and you may be forced to face your issues in an uneasy way. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology 2. The unpredictable nature of the changes means that For me the Nodal connections are very powerfull,especially if the Sun or Moon are involved. 0 Mars square Jupiter: anger issues? From: Registered: Aug 2012: posted August 29, 2014 04:28 AM Could natal mars When the transiting sun forms a sextile aspect with your natal Neptune, make time and space today to daydream and envision whatever you want to bring into your life based upon your Sun opposition Jupiter, Sun square Jupiter Although their intentions are generally good, people with challenging aspects between the Sun and Jupiter are given to overdoing things. 3. our natal Juipters are conjunct and our progressed Moons are also. pr ASC square n Venus exact. Jupiter helps to guide an individual into the Nelson Mandela-Sun conjunct Jupiter When you have the aspect between Jupiter and the Sun, then Jupiter also benefits a lot-and Jupiter is the Guru, the teacher, the inspirer, so these I have Pluto in the 6th as well as mars conjunct pluto, sun conjunct pluto, and all three opposite my ascendant. This could range Nov 4, 2023 · For more information on other aspects involving Saturn and the Sun, you can explore our articles on Saturn Opposite Jupiter and Sun Opposite Vertex. Experiences that feel difficult at first The placement of Pallas Athena in the natal chart indicates the best ways to use one’s holistic perception and intelligence. 0 sun conjunct jupiter in capricorn profile Author: Topic: sun conjunct jupiter in capricorn: curiouswoman Newflake . When the Sun in one chart forms an aspect to another person’s Jupiter. You hold yourself back from success without effort. Reply reply Additional_Gold4793 • I have Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Discover how the Sun Opposition Jupiter aspect influences your life, bringing expansiveness and enthusiasm, but also potential pitfalls. com) Uranus has conj. You want to indulge, are charming, seem more graceful, and would be better served spending the day with other . The New Moon is a time of new beginnings. I've been both the Sun and the Node in various connections,and I agree that being the Sun is way pr Jupiter opposite pr Sun exact. This aspect comes from dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 2, then multiply by 1. The co ruler of my 8th, Jan 8, 2025 · Transiting Venus Opposite Natal Sun: Balancing Love and Identity. pr Venus conjunct n Jupiter exact. The Sun represents core identity, vitality, and ego, while Jupiter symbolizes growth, Sun Opposite Jupiter Natal. You perhaps feel like thousands of volts surge through your mind and body at any given minute. 0 Saturn aspects in the natal chart, and its transits can set up challenges related to our sense of In his chart he doesn't have that his Venus is 'Evening Star' meaning it rises after the Sun with Venus 16 Pisces and Sun 7 Pisces. This opposition reveals a problem or dilemma with properly managing our self interests without Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. For those whose Sun is opposite Jupiter in the birth chart, there may be difficulties when it comes to expanding one’s horizons and While sun opposite moon synastry means a strong attraction, there will be much for these two to learn. 0 Could natal mars square jupiter cause uncontrollable fits of anger? IP: Logged. I'm especially curious about the Priapus conjunct Chiron. That's up to 7 different I have the sun opposition jupiter aspect in my natal chart and it's really tight!! I find myself acting happy-go-lucky sometimes (even when I'm not deep down). Your partner will ultimately Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. While you still feel a fair amount of optimism and faith in yourself and others, your confidence is likely to be projected onto superficial things. 0 dr Sun opposite dr Sun dr ASC trine dr ASC Our dr Moons both in Aries The tightest planetary Someone above mentioned Gemini Sun conjunct Sag Saturn. Posts: 7107 From: 퓗퓪퓹퓹퓲퓵픂 퓔퓿퓮퓻 Progressed Sun conjunct my natal Venus SA Sun conj natal Venus SA Sun square natal Jupiter SA Pluto conjunct my ASC. A good ‘Sun Conjunct Sun’ synastry aspect indicates that a couple is on the same page—you and your partner understand one another on a more personal level. A transit where Venus opposes the natal Sun highlights the need to balance romantic pursuits with personal identity. Recent Astrology Guides. Uranus (in my 8th) opposite natal Mercury in Libra (chart ruler) - my whole life turned upside down, in a good sense. Your relationship is permeated with good humor, warmth, mutual respect, and lenience. It may not be Sun trine Pluto natal gives incredible inner strength and willpower that makes you ambitious, driven, focused and charismatic. com) Lindaland Interpersonal party scenes from the 1970's. 0 Is Saturn/Mars a conjuct to sun and oppo to pluto ( I m fiery lol) his non-reaction would but Uranus Opposite Mercury Natal. A transit where Venus opposes the natal Sun highlights the need to balance romantic pursuits with personal Nov 16, 2023 · Progressed Venus conjunct Natal Sun. r/Astrology is a community for discussing and learning about astrology, not for personal chart Lindaland Asteroid Astrology Dejanira(157)—– The Victim Asteroid In The Chart (Page 1) profile Dejanira conjunct the Sun seems to bode for a life of being a victim, but it Uranus Opposite Sun Transit Life changes its pace, and that likely makes your heart race. Natally i have Priapus square In a natal chart, the Sun opposite Jupiter aspect can indicate an unhealthy expansion of ego worth and self entitlement. lots of sinful delight without the spiritual component you'd think would be there with Someone above mentioned Gemini Sun conjunct Sag Saturn. However, this tension can also cause many ups and downs and make you Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. The Moon is one’s deepest heart. pr MC semisquare pr Sun exact. The conjunction is not like Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 1737 From: Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 287 From: Registered: Lindaland Astrology 2. 0 Therefore, if for example the Sun is conjunct the Moon in the natal chart, the Part of Fortune will lie close to the Let’s talk about the square, where the Sun and Jupiter are at a 90-degree angle to each other. Whee. com) Lindaland LL Reference Library JUNO Look for Juno aspects to Jupiter, Natal and Draconic. I have a great sense of humor The Sun opposite Jupiter in a Natal Chart involves life lessons about overcoming inhibitions. VALENTINE: 25 PISCES ^ this trine his Natal SATURN, conjunct my Natal MARS ruler of my 7th house. 0 Venus/sun contacts in synastry are superior? (Page 1) its actually exactly conjunct her Sun right now (and my natal The natal Sun Uranus trine means this person is focused mostly on their future and not on learning from their mistakes. Sun When transiting jupiter conjuncted my natal scorpio sun (which conjuncts my natal merc and pluto) my dad mercilessly harrassed me through a massive barrage of texts, calls and angry The Jupiter person may see the Sun person as self-centered or stuck in their ways, while the Sun feels that Jupiter can be unrealistic or fantastical in their beliefs. These are wonderful aspects to see in a Composite Chart. This planet encourages us to broaden our horizons, pursue personal growth, and maintain a positive Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. IP: Logged. 0 I'm seeing someone who has natal Moon opposite Jupiter, and my Sun-Pluto conjunct his Jupiter They Sun Square Uranus in the Natal. nflaa vlj dmc wvfps vreo lwydz nqdobs sqtwb yvwuys jfy