W2 box 14 category from the drop down examples, I have selected "Other - not on the list below". No. On this year's New York State W-2 in Box 14 there is "NYPFL" which is for New York Paid Family Leave. Its for NYPFL and last year I picked "Other deductible state or local tax" but this year there is also the option of "New York Paid Family Leave tax Feed the appropriate W2 Box 14 balance. Sec 125 is health insurance, and your employer's decision to list it in Box 14 is voluntary. **Say "Thanks 0 If you don't see a code for a Box 14 entry on your Form W-2 (or if none of the drop-down code options apply), scroll to the bottom of the list and choose Other–not on above list. Box 14 in W2 Form holds 4 items instead of 3 for reporting purposes. New York Paid Family Leave refers to premiums paid for NYPFL and NY disability stands for the NY Disability Benefits Law. A screen or two later, the program will have a drop-down menu to select a specific description/code; you won't see "Taxable In TurboTax, enter the description (COPL) from your W-2's box 14 on the first field in the row. Hi Carl, no it is only mentioned in box 14 on the W2. Community: Discussions: Taxes: Get your taxes done: Turbo Tax did not recognize W2 box 14 RSU under Wages and Compensation. What category is Connecticut employee paid family leave tax type G2 hwich is listed on my W2 in Box 14 as CT FPL? For the category select "Other deductible state or local tax. Most of the time, this is for information and does not affect your taxes. I believe I used the Other option as the tax tracking type and the BCBS and Aflac amount would then show up in box 14 on the W2. Box 14 codes are largely not defined by the IRS, so TurboTax can't use them to pick up things like Per IRS, the information that your employer lists in Box 14 of your W-2 does not usually affect your income tax return. And there's no RSU 'sale' because I didn't do it. Hi, so I uploaded my W2 via pdf but one of the box 14 categories was left blank. Unfortunately the W-2 doesn't provide much space for "explanation Bug Report: The W-2 Box 14 Category selection is missing the option for "K - Pretax Vision and Dental Deduction" The Form W-2 has unlimited uses for Box 14. Employee payroll deductions beginning January 1, 2022 are capped at 0. Any amount in box 14 is not as exactly defined as the other In TurboTax, enter the description from your W-2's box 14 on the first field in the row. If you don't see a category in the TurboTax list that matches your W-2 entry (NYPFL or NYDBL), don’t worry. I have got 1099-B form from UBS. Neither a 414(H) nor fringe benefits have relevant Box 14 dropdowns. " February 5, 2023 12:06 PM EPY: When Mapping Box 14 Values in the Tax Form Definition TAX910LD. Enter the amount needed in the Oregon statewide transit tax withheld {OR} field. If you have an entry in box 14 of your W2 and you don't see an exact match in the category list, choose "Other (not classified)" from the bottom of the drop down list. Is that correct?? Coding CTPL in Box 14 of your W-2 represents funding to support the CT Paid Leave program. Wondering if I should list this as “Other” in TT or as a “Charitable cash contribution”. I have been told previously that I am to pick the "Other - You need to select the very last drop down category in Box 14. New comments cannot be Best Best Look at Box 14 of the W-2. It's a new law for 2023 called Oregon Paid Family & Medical Leave (OR PFML). It kept telling me to review the info on my W2 and trying to force me to enter a value for box 14 even though 1. The other boxes on the W2 have already been adjusted and will automatically flow to your NJ state return. If none of the categories apply, scroll to the bottom of the list and choose Other (not classified). If the S125 is an employee benefit that has also already been removed from Wages in box 1, then again, just choose a category of Other. com) I live in NY and work in PA. If the code is unclear, contact your employer and ask what the internal revenue code represents. If you choose a dropdown, it won't go anywhere or mean anything. **Say "Thanks" by clicking the thumb icon in a post **Mark the post that answers your 0 What category should you put for CTPL in box 14 that it asks for? Every other state has its own option but CT doesn’t. **Say "Thanks" by clicking the thumb icon in a post **Mark the post that answers your question by Only your employer knows what the amounts in Box 14 are for. Turbo Tax doesn't seem to know how to interpret this so how do I make sure this is captured properly by Turbo Tax. There is a category for it in TurboTax, in the Tax Category column in the Box 14 section of the W-2 entry screen in TurboTax. In the Box 14 tax "Category" for that item. 92, are the categories by discretion, as neither say a category on the W2 You need to ask your employer what CA EE My wife works for a local government. Reply reply cubbiesnextyr • Except FFCRA payments related to Covid, that can Don't get too concerned about box 14 entries. It's a box in which your employer Since there’s no standard list of W-2 codes for box 14, employers can list any description they choose. Would the category for that be "Other mandatory deductible state or local tax not listed"? (I live in PA) Yes, it would. I don't know the correct code and description. The amount is less than $1. 90” and I don’t know why my w-2 form says like that but After I upload my W-2 form, it comes automatically like that; Box 14 and supplemental statement Box 14 - Description Box 14 - Amount Box 14 – Category Charitable cash contribution So I dont know why it If the categories for a particular deduction in Box 14 is not listed as an option, then you can select the category labeled Other - not classified. Dues listed in box 14 on your W-2 should be listed under Other (not classified). This The University of California puts "DCP" into W2 box 14. Under the Wages section, locate the Box 14 subsection. As far as I can tell it seems to be ESPP related, the difference between the ESPP discounted buy price and the ESPP actual price. **Say "Thanks" by clicking the thumb icon in a post **Mark the post that answers your question by clicking on 5: On the entry screen for your W-2 in TurboTax, enter MA PFML in the box labeled Box 14 Description and the amount in the Box 14 amount column. It is called Oregon Statewide Transit Tax. In this box listed ESPP In box 14, it says TRPASS, how should that be entered? Topics: TurboTax Free Edition Online posted June 1, 2019 1:20 AM last updated June 01, 2019 1:20 AM 0 4 9,199 Reply Bookmark Icon Connect with an expert x You'll There are no standard rules for what goes in box 14, and no standard codes or abbreviations. Pacific time. Interpreting these codes correctly could reveal tax savings opportunities you may be missing out on. When entering the STI tax withheld, ProConnect Tax will include the amount on the federal Schedule A, line 5a. The tax deferral of IMRF member contributions is covered by section 414(h) of the IRS code; it is not one of the retirement plans reported in Box 12 (plans under Section 401(k), 403(b), 408(k), 457, or 501(c)(18)(D) of the Well, the point is that anything in Box 14 shouldn’t affect your taxes. Learn about various items reported in Box 14 and find out how to request a special W-2 Box for custom In most cases, the information that your employer lists in Box 14 of your W-2 does not affect your income tax return. Learn about the IRS requirements for Form W-2 and box 14, and get instructions, including examples, for how to fill out box 14. I'm currently filing my taxes and ran into an issue on box 14 of the w2. It allows me to enter the code under the W2 info section as 'o So if my final pay-stub does not match the W2, then I need to add the box 14 RSU number in, probably as 'other' since it doesn't exist. Any ideas would be Anyone know what “NYSRCINCOM” in Box 14 on a W-2 means? 7 reactions Like 5 Comments Shares 2 4Y Posting as : works at You are currently posting as works at Posting as : a Tax Attorney 1 You are currently posting as Employers disclose Union Dues paid by employees in Box 14 on Form W-2. Employee L&I deductions are noted in Box 14. Selecting "Other (not classified)" for the category regarding Box 14 is what you want to do in TurboTax for that W-2. Please read this TurboTax Help topic on Box 14 of Form W-2. Also make sure you have two different Box 14 Category codes. To find out the exact coverage, speak with a human resources manager at the workplace. Please Note: Since each state has different filing guidelines, you will need to refer to your state instructions to determine if the amounts listed in Box 14 need to be added or subtracted within the state return. The employer can put pretty much anything they want in there. This amount Box 14. This is my retirement contribution amount that I pay into my city employee retirement system. That's why it's in Box . Box 14 of form W-2 is a sort of catch-all. Enter the W2 the entry-amount on box 14 with code k is supposed to be Pretax vision and Dental deduction Why did it flow thru on form 1040 line 23 as excise tax-golden parachute? Added TAX HELP 0 Cheers 6berniecstllo29 Level 1 As I'm reviewing my return, W2 Box 14 category field requires information. Click the "Add another Box 14 item" hyperlink. 34 PA SUI NY state copy has: (its empty, nothing is there) What is the meaning of this and how to complete it? Do i need to type every part like federal and states The box is asking me to "review the drop down menu below to see if any of the categories match the dollar amount in box 14 of your W-2" I"m not sure if the letters next to the totals explain what categories I should be choosing. You should always report your W-2 form exactly as shown on the Employers can put just about anything in box 14; it's a catch-all for items that don't have their own dedicated box on the W-2. Code 6 for box 14 I have this mysterious number in Box 14 of my W-2, "$1000 DQDIS". Per a quick Google search, it seems my employer may have totaled the DI & UI/HC/WD numbers and that is why the amount is over $151 (and there TurboTax is asking for a Category for my OR PFML. Enter the dollar amount and select the correct tax category that goes with that description. 68 and TRS 641. The drop-list which turbotax shows, doesn't have HWB category. Don’t worry. 5 to 4, meaning that for each 3. Enter "Other - not classified" or "Other – not on above list". You might see the value of your Note In TurboTax, enter the description from your W-2's box 14 on the first field in the row. Box 14 is used to report items that do not affect your federal tax return, so every possible entry is not listed, only the ones that affect your state return. Here is a link with more You can add lines for box 14 items. 34 SUI PA State copy has: like 12. The payroll tax doesn't need to be reported on Box 14 on my W-2 has an amount in it but there is no description (significant amount in the hundreds). RSU must appear on the screen as it is printed on W2 box 14. They don't generally affect your tax return. In fact, for many Box 14 entries, the IRS does not even provide a place for it to get reported on your return forms. *The $75 Sponsored Job credit offer is only available for new Many entries in Box 14 are for your information only. My job had two rows in Box 14, each of which had a number and a dollar figure (the number categorized what the dollar figure represented); sounds simple enough until I saw that H&R Block, for Box 14 Box 14 on a W-2 is where employer's make notes for you. Normally, it is the numbers in box 12 that can have an affect on your taxable income, while the items Within your account, enter the Box 14 information under 'Other (Not Listed Here)' if none of the other descriptions apply. From TurboTax FAQ: Employers can put just Due to covid, I worked at a store for one day. Instead of paying into Social Security, she pays into a county retirement plan. This comprehensive guide will decode box 14 by explaining what it’s for and providing a detailed What is W-2 Box 14? Box 14 of the W-2 form is designated for additional tax information that doesn’t fit into the other boxes on the form. 0 My box 13 has retirement checked and box 14 has 2 different amounts of dollars How should I enter that in Box 14 in the system Reads CAF 239. The W-2 instructions specify that required employee contributions (such as IMRF) are not elective deferrals and may be reported in Box 14, but not in Box 12. It could represent a charitable donation you made, or it could be a gift you received from your employer. Feed the appropriate W2 Box 14 balance. You'll have to ask the employer or issuer of that W-2 what it means. You can even choose not to enter it, or simply select a category of "Other". If, however, you don't find a matching category, you can use "other (not classified). Company sold RSU shares to Use Box 14 to report miscellaneous amounts on the W-2 form. If the employer withheld sufficient funds to cover the taxes owed, no other action I am asking again because when I uploaded my W2 PDF to Turbotax and got to the page regarding Box 14, I found the category "New York Non-Occupational Disability Fund" pre-selected (or automatically assigned by Turbotax My W-2 form box 14 says “ unway $1. This box was filled out by the employer due to the days I was out while they figured out how to come back. You can enter the information as "401a" and "Not on the list" and leave it at that. If the RET is a retirement contribution and it's already been removed from Wages in Box 1 of your W-2, then it's been treated correctly, and you can just chose the Category of Other. " If it is a pre-tax contribution, they should re-issue you a W2 with a box 12 code of W with that amount. This information, if listed in Box 14, is informational only. Be very careful when uploading your W2 and reviewing your final return. In the main Box 14 is simply a "memo" field where your employer communicates some information about your W-2 to you. It is important that Turbotax allows to enter RSU and the amount in box 14. You are correct, if you choose the "other" category for numbers listed in box 14, it will normally have no affect on your tax return. You can deduct dues and initiation fees you pay for union membership as unreimbursed employee expenses on Line 21 of Schedule A (Form 1040) Itemized Deductions. In the main Box 14 is simply a "memo" box where your employer tells you Hi was wondering if the employee portion of WA Paid Family Leave needs to be on their W2? Since we don't have a state income tax most of those fields are blank. Box 14 is pretty much a 'memo" field where the employer informs you about various things. Enter it in Box 14, just as it is shown of your W-2, with the first field in the row as "Other". 60 US En United States (English) United States (Spanish) Canada (English) Canada (French) Box 14 on a W2 does not report tax information, it is used by the company and their payroll department. US En United States (English) United States (Spanish) Canada (English) I have sold my stock account of Varian Medical System,Inc. In this case the employer is telling Box 14 is used to report amounts that don’t belong in other boxes on Form W-2. However, if there are more than 4 items in Box 14 of W2c form, a new W2c form will be printed. The payment may be deductible as a state and local tax if you itemize your deductions on Schedule A Itemized Deductions. I need to know what Category to select for this type of deduction. ) Box 14, in the main, is simply "memo" information. It's a box in which your employer can tell you more about other dollar amounts on the W-2. What category description should I choose for this box 14 entry? No. Employers can put just about anything in box 14; it's a catch-all for items that don't have their own dedicated box on Do I enter my FSA total as a medical expense reimbursement if it is already listed in Box 14 of my W2? Topics: TurboTax Deluxe Windows posted June 4, 2019 8:38 PM last updated June 04, 2019 8:38 PM 0 3 3,721 Reply Hello, On my W2 box 14 indicates FFSELF, however there is no category listed, how do I know which category to select from box 14 dropdown to submit my return ? Tax Year 2020 Tax Year 2020 FSELF that is listed on your W2, are amounts paid to you as qualified sick leave wages or qualified family leave wages under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This box serves as a catch-all for various types of income, deductions, and other After entering the description from your W-2's box 14, enter the dollar amount and select the correct tax category that goes with that description. So, enter OR STT W/H in the first column for box 14, then the amount in second column and choose Oregon Statewide Transit Tax in the third column. New York has a requirement that the total income must be reported on the W2, so some employers use the Box 14 to indicate NY Income for employees who do not earn all of their income in New York. You can ignore it, or enter as Box 14 on my W2 shows as follows: 137. sqr Does Not Load OR and WA Employee Taxes for Box 14 (14UA to 14UN) (Doc ID 2998861. An employer may gift education assistance up to 5,250 with it being tax free to the student. On my W2, Box 14 I see the following things: Federal copy has: like 12. Similar to RSUs, stock grants will typically be reported on your W-2 form. , you make sure it is selected as IRS Form W-2, Box 14, is a text field which allows your employer to enter any information they choose. Some companies put the amount on their W2's Enter the Box 14 description/code from your Form W-2 in the first field in the row for Box 14 (e. Some employers use box 14 to report amounts deducted for State Disability Insurance taxes or union dues that may Box 14 — Employers can use W-2 box 14 to report information like: A member of the clergy’s parsonage allowance and utilities Any charitable contribution made through payroll deductions Discover the purpose of Box 14 on Form W-2 and how it allows employers to provide additional information to employees. The codes are listed below: NJSDI-E : assuming for NJ SDI UI/WF/SWF : for NJ UI/WF/SWF NJWD-ES : what category does this apply to? My FLI was recorded under box 15 and 17, but referring to previous tax years, I'm assuming it should have been recorded under box 14 a If you are unsure what the information in Box 14 means, then you can enter the description from your W-2's box 14 in the description field and enter the amount. For category, you can select other (not classified). If you are like most people and unsure, use the Other - not classified or not on above list option for the category when entering it in to TurboTax. The other is LTD, for Long Term Disability, also not paid out t me but insurance payments to the fund. You can arrange for the Live help you are paying the extra fee for with your questions from 5 a. On the w2, box 14, there are two numbers: 1) SDI: I choose the CA SDI tax code 2) ESPDD: I could not find the matching code. What do I enter for the "let's review your box 14" entry when Box 14 has 3 entries, 2 of which are not recognized I'm not sure why you're getting that "let's review your Box 14" entries. PRETX presumably means Pre Tax. When I put it into H&R Top Solved: I chose "Other (not classified)" but I'm not sure if that's right. When i click to transmit, turbo tax brings me right to review box 14. " Box 14 doesn't have a standard list of codes, thus allowing employers to enter any description they like. NYPFL in Box 14 of your W-2 should be listed under the category of Other deductible state or local tax when you are entering your W-2 on the federal screen. @rbushard1969 Box 14 Listed as: "ESL1" on my W-2 was given by my employer when they shut down for the initial Covid response. Click this link for more info on Box 14. to 9 p. . The tax treatment is already in your W2 , and you don't adjust anything. I have deduced The value of RSUs is typically recorded in Box 14 of the W-2, which is labeled "Other. Use the Common Lookups task to update the meaning of the corresponding lookup code of the ORA_HRX_US_W2_BOX_14_USER_DFND lookup type. The text you type becomes the label text appearing on the W-2 Box 14. TFB). PIK on a W2 usually stands for Payment-in-kind, which refers to any good or service paid in lieu of cash/check. What category in TurboTax should I select for this to ensure it is deducted correctly from both state On the only W2 of 3 that could be directly imported for having a box D Control number, Box 14 "FAMLI" was automatically preselected as "Other deductible state or local tax". Client in CA with DOMPT of $9k box 14 of W2. If you don't see a category in the TurboTax list that matches your W-2 entry (DQDIS), don’t worry. Is this When entering W2 information for 2018, there is no category for "NY FLI", which appears in Box 14 of my W2. These are all I had the same issue trying to file tonight. 66" I believe this is related to selling stock that my company offers. My company's BCBS and Aflac come out of their paychecks pretaxed. Yes, it is fine that they are grouped together into one lump sum in Box 14 of your W2. We'll figure TRS is listed in Box 14 for informational purposes only. when it tried to make Then came W-2 Box 14. **Say "Thanks" by clicking the thumb icon in a post **Mark the post that answers your question by clicking on "Mark as Best Find out about box 14 on W-2s. • STEP 2 (Optional) You may report the amount of the member’s IPERS contributions in Box 14. Similarly, Box 14 in W2c form holds 4 items. 78 UI/HC/WD Upon finalization of my taxes, I get the message to review Box 14 and that New Jersey UI/HC/WD cannot be greater than $151. The system wants me to enter Other. " An item that you may find there, for example, is a donation to charity which you also enter in the charitable donation topic in "Deductions & Credits". Your entry here will not affect your ability to e-file or your tax calculation. Learn about various items reported in Box 14 and find out how to request a special W-2 Box for custom communication. Tubox tax does not allow me to enter this as a retirement contribution and doesn't recognize the code. To report an amount that is associated with a DBA in Box 14, enter a code in the Special These taxes, WAPML and WAPFL (Washington Paid Medical / Family Leave) are deducted from the employees W2 and are listed in box 14 and would be categorized under "Other". Update the meaning of the corresponding lookup code of the ORA_HRX_US_W2_BOX_14_USER_DFND lookup type. This is post tax and does not reduce taxable income. What does that mean and what categories should I select for them? SOLVED Turbotax is asking I select a category for them from a dropdown menu but I don't know what they are. Employers only report OSTTT W/H in box Double check your W-2 Box 14 entries. in 2020 year. How do I enter the insurance piece in TT in order to get my deduction? Box 14 says CA EE, what should I enter for catergory, also I have another w2 that says CASDI 40. This can make it difficult to determine what the information entered in that box means and where to report it in your return. Get in touch with our tax department by completing the form provided. I do not work with Varian Medical Systems more than 5 years, but I have got W2 from Varian Medical Systems. Either option is the same. Sell has been done by my broker UBS. That's what I'm using for the other W2's. 20 "VPDI" box 14 from my New York State W-2 and assign to what TurboTax Identification category? Thank you! VPDI stands for Voluntary Plan for Disability Insurance, and this can be I am unsure how to input this item from box 14 of my w-2. The program provides you with a drop-down menu of codes you are able to select for your W-2 Box 14 entry. The only one which looks similar in f I have a NY HWB line in box 14 or my W2. That's largely a "memo" area where employers can provide information to employees about what's included/excluded on their W-2. These are for information only and do not affect your tax status. "Other (not classified)" is the correct box 14 category. g. W2 is empty except Box14. Generally, the Box 14 items of your W-2 are for informational purposes and would not affect your income tax return. Should you just choose the last option Every other state has its own option but CT doesn’t. It's just telling you W-2 Box 14 Codes Use these codes to include line 14 amounts on Schedule A, line 5. Box 14 Code Description AKSUI Alaska State Unemployment Insurance CASDI or SDI California State Disability Insurance FLI Family Leave My W2 has Box 14 OTHER with descriptions NYPSL-E and NYSDI-E. No clue what it means. And: "Depending on the airline, the TAFB ratio is usually somewhere between 3. UCRP is one of them. In TurboTax A box 14 with section 125 information will not generate any specific entries in a NJ state return. This box is used to provide the following information: This box is used to provide the following information: Section 125 (cafeteria plan) pretax benefits program for insurance premiums and/or medical reimbursements. It is not a tax, "it is a mandatory savings plan for retirement purposes". 1) Last updated on APRIL 11, 2024 Applies to: Symptoms Having a code, I would expect it to apply to box 12. 5 to 4 hours away from base, you’re guaranteed at least an hour of pay. On her W-2, the amount she contributes to the retirement plan is listed in Box 14. We'll figure out if it impacts your return Here is CO Department of Revenue guidance Nov 2022. Employers can put just about anything in box 14; it's a catch-all for items that don't have their own dedicated box on the W-2. Add a • STEP 1 Check Box 13, Retirement Plan, as IPERS is a qualified plan under Internal Revenue Code section 401(a). S Corp greater than 2% shareholder with shareholder health paid by the company - correctly reported on W-2 as wages and in Box 14. I don't think WA employers are required to include this on the W-2 form at all - that box is an optional FYI box for various state payroll taxes. Locked post. TurboTax put the Letter K amount from box 14 on my W2 in Box 12 on their online form and it nearly took over $500 off my refund. I have selected Other deductible state or local but I think last year I said 'Other' and wondering if I In the drop down box for box 14 of your W-2, report NYSDI as NY Nonoccupational Disability Fund. If you're not sure what something means, you have to ask your employer. This is information for the employer to get credit for COVID Relief. If none of the categories apply, scroll to In fact, for many Box 14 entries, the IRS does not even provide a place for it to get reported on your return forms. Enter the dollar I am unsure how to input this item from box 14 of my w-2. If you itemize your deductions, this is deductible on Schedule A of I have a code 414H in box 14 on my W2. In fact, for many Box 14 entries, the IRS does not even provide a place for it You don't even need to enter it, or leave the description blank or select "other" (or whatever the program's nearest choice to that is. Search for the W2 instructions, to learn that Box 14 is for the employer to use for informational purposes. 28 but I do not know what to use for the category (intuit. This amt is taxable Healthcare benefit for domestic partner, however is this amt deductible in CA? Where do I deduct it? You have clicked a link to a site outside of the Intuit If it is an employee benefit that has already been removed from Wages in Box 1, then, choose a category of Other. I left the description blank, entered the amount and selected Other (nonclassified). Don't even worry about it. I tested this on Windows It should be in Box 14, if it's on the W-2. There's really no point to even typing this in. To get back to your W-2: Type In my box 14 on w2 it says "DISQD 1233. However, Turbotax doesn't have 401(k) ER in the Box 14 - Category dropdown. It's supposed to be state and local exempt healthcare worker bonus. There is no pretaxed option for this so I need to create a new one. On the screen titled W-2: Enter your information from Box 14 , enter the information listed on the W-2 you received. If none of the categories apply, scroll to the bottom I'm looking at my W-2 for box 14. My box 14 has two Descriptors. If you don't see a category in the TurboTax list that matches your W-2 entry, don’t worry. You can also see here from the CO DOR for 2023 employers are not required to make the payroll deductions for the CO family leave program. 4 of these are on 1 w-2, the pa lst is on a separate w-2 with no other numbers on the entire form. They are reported to you in Box 14 simply for informational purposes. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Additionally, I have PFL for which I chose "Other deductible state or Yes, your classifications for box 14 on your W-2 are correct. Employers can use this for so many items the list is endless and for Scroll down to the Box 14 section, and click the checkbox next to Yes, there is something in Box 14 and click Continue. However, a code 6 isn't valid for box 12 either. Does anyone know what DDI represents on the W2 - box 14? Trying to figure out what category it is. Employers can Donations via employer, Box 14 Charity on W2 You edit the W-2, to see what the software marked for that fieldsometimes it is correct, sometimes not. You will likely see the stock grant listed under Box 14 as “Other” income. (yes I understand this does not constitute w2 box 14 The company paid tax for RSU restricted stock units. To find out the exact coverage, speak with a My employer has used Box 14 of my W2 for my pension deductions and "RET" in the description. I do not think that is correct. P#SX-53169 287. 32, and select the category for "Sick leave wages $511/day" in the dropdown menu. how do i get Employers can put just about anything in box 14; it's a catch-all for items that don't have their own dedicated box on the W-2. Understanding W-2 box 14 codes can unlock hidden details about your compensation and benefits. so what do I do with the ESPDD amount on box 14? should I choose no entry to the code? or remove What is UA and UB in W-2 Box 14? You are posting from TurboTax Live. Because your employer did not code the W-2 with the HSA contribution in box 12 with a code of W, like the IRS expects them to. I have a NY HWB line in box 14 or my W2. I never entered anything to begin with, and 2. Not really sure what category im supposed to attach to it to make that function properly. If none of the categories apply, scroll to the bottom of There's no relevant dropdown. You can add it in and choose Other, or not enter it. Turbo tax however keeps flagging the w-2 as needing review and forcing me to come back to it. Archived post. Discover the purpose of Box 14 on Form W-2 and how it allows employers to provide additional information to employees. SDI had a Category that filled i For W2, Box 14, TurboTax Deluxe 2020, What category do i associate with the following text on my W2 form: "NY-PFL" US En United States (English) United States (Spanish) Canada (English) Canada (French) In Box 14 of my W-2 there is a category I need to input labeled 401(k) ER. My charitable contributions (automatically deducted from my paycheck) are listed in box 14 of my W-2 with a classification of “Other”. Employers can use it to report additional tax or income information for filing or informational purposes. In TurboTax, enter the description from your W-2's box 14 on the first field in the row. These contributions are post-tax and don't impact your tax return in any way. m. The Good Day, Box 14 lists 3 CAF 1 PA-SUI & 1 PA LST. Also what category should we put it under on turbotax because i think i have already paid tax at source on that income March 4, 2023 7:30 PM 0 2 4,002 Reply Bookmark Icon If you would like to know about W2 box 14 nt health benefits,which provides helpful information. You will enter that in the W2 Box 14 area in TurboTax as Paid Sick leave, $992. You should have two rows—one for California SDI tax and another for California VPDI tax. What Categories do I use in Box 14 category? What Categories do I use in Box 14 category? NYPSL-E is NY paid sick leave. I'm not seeing the PFL deductions going anywhere. You will want to use Other-not on the list for the NY Wages. To manually add amounts in Box 14: In W2/1099 Preparer grid, right-click the top green row and select Insert Type a Column Name From the list in the New Column, select . What do I choose as the category when the description is for RSU? RSU amounts reported in Box 14 of Form W-2 are informational. My w2 box 14 says "VIS" and "DEN". I am a teacher in California and my w-2 shows STRS/S. Not really sure what category I'm supposed to attach to it to make that function properly. It’s just a miscellaneous box for anything your company wants to tell you. I looked at this post: On line 14 I have NYPFL for $280. 82 FLI DI P. BUT then it is not taken out According to the OR revision for tax years effective 2020 and beyond employers no longer report OR St Wages in box 14 since that information is already reported in Box 16 on the form W2. The taxation is already built into the numbers on your W2, so no adjustment occurs on your return. The categories are NJ FLI TAX then NJ UI/WF/SWF TAX and then NJ SDI TAX with their corresponding amounts from your W2. . In TurboTax, enter the description from your W-2's Box 14, in the main, is simply "memo" information. Should the option for "Other - not on above list" be used, or will a category for "NY FLI" be added at some point with a I have an "LST" or "Local Services Tax" in box 14. 5% of the employee s wages up to the 2022 Social Employers can put just about anything in box 14; it's a catch-all for items that don't have their own dedicated box on the W-2. One is SDI (Short Term Disability Insurance payments (not payment because I was out on disability, but withholding for insurance). Select Box 14 In the Name Column-Box 14 text to print If the information in box 14 matches a category in TurboTax you would just enter it there in the W2 topic. If you don't see a What is and how do I record a $31. Since this is appearing on a W2 it almost certainly can be read as "Disqualify Disposition" which most likely pertains to either stock acquired via an ESPP or an ISO.
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