Hazrat fatima death. This was about 90 days after the death of her Holy father.
Hazrat fatima death She was buried in Medina in an unmarked and unknown grave. )? Answer: The Eminent Sheikh At-Tusi wrote: “One of the denied facts is that they (Umar and his Was Hazrat Bibi Fatima (Rz) later on satisfied from the verdict of Hazrat Abu Bakkar was not satisfied from the verdict of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (rta) till her death. He went straight to Fatima’s house. Do A Brief Biography of Hazrat Fatima (a. Rasul-Allah ﷺ was not at home. Six months after the death of the Prophet (pbuh), in the month of Ramadan, Hazrat Fatima (RA) passed away. They had laid down to rest and tried to get up out of respect, but he told them to remain where they were. When The Prophet married her, both daughters came with her mother to live in the house of the Prophet. that whereas he kept quiet even though he lost everything that belonged to him after the death of the Prophet (S. ) and mother of Hazrat Abbas(a. Al-Musannaf, Volume 8, Page 572. What is the age of Hazrat Ali? 61 years (599 AD–661 AD) Ali/Age at death. S), She found life without him to be very difficult for her. ) In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. What is the meaning of Fatima? Fatima (given name) Hazrat Fatima Zahra's(s. a) mourns for her father; hazrat fatima's last day of this earth; hazrat fatima's burial; chapter 8: hazrat fatima (s. " Fatima has nine names This child, however, never was given the chance to live. When the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of God be upon him) saw her approaching he would welcome her, stand up and kiss her, take her by the hand and sit her down in the place where he was sitting. Despite the clear indications given by the Prophet regarding the succession of Imam Ali (PBUH) at Ghadir Khumm [4] , a faction within the Muslim community moved swiftly to appoint a new leader through the Yet, this did not mean that he would ignore their villainous crimes against Fatima az-Zahra (sa) even after her death. Batool The earth has become dark and gooomy after the death of the Prophet (pbuh&hf) Woe! Hazrat Fatima Zahra (AS) Leader of the Women of Paradise. Hazrat Fatima (sa) was born five years before Bethat when Muhammad (S) was about 35 years old and her mother Khadija was about 50 She remained alive for six months after the death of the Prophet. ) – the 4th Holy Imam ‐ (38 A. Her character and virtues have made her an 13th Jamadi-al-Awwal, according to some historical reports, is the death anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra(sa) - the beloved and only genetic daughter of Prophet Mohammad (s). The death of the Apostle, affected her very much and she was very sad and grief- stricken and wept her heart out crying all the time. Hazrat Khadija (Hazrat Fatima's mother) was advised by her friends and women of Kuraish not to get married to Hazrat Muhammad (S. ) was such a daughter who constantly and stably followed the footsteps of her father. Salutations to Hazrat Fatima (sa) Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the Messenger of Allah ! Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the possessor of outstanding merit. a) who took leadership The martyrdom of Lady Fatima (a) refers to the death of Fatima (a), the daughter of the Prophet of Islam (s), not as a natural death but as a result of injuries inflicted by some of the companions of the Prophet (s). 3. Lady Fatima Umm ul-Banin was the noble wife of Imam Ali (AS) and the mother of al-Abbas the Flag Bearer of the Imam Hussain at the battlefield of Karbala. اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۚ مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كَمِشْكَاةٍ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ ۖ الْمِصْبَاحُ فِي زُجَاجَةٍ. the prophet's death; hazrat fatima's house on fire; hazrat fatima's (s. ’” Imam ‘Ali followed the will of Fatimah. When the day arrived she prepared food for her children, then she told Asma that she was going to her prayer Six months after the death of the Prophet , in the month of Ramadan, Hazrat Fatima passed away. Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUHH), and Lady Khadija the daughter of Khuwaylid occupies a revered and central place in Islamic history. Fatima was buried in the graveyard called Jannatu'l-Baqi' in Medina in an unmarked and unknown grave. a) who took leadership before Ali (r. When she died, her husband `Ali, buried her at night without informing Abu Bakr and he said the funeral prayer by himself. ) died at the age of 18 years and seventy-five days. But, It is important to note that this dissatisfaction was not a rivalry. On the night of her death, Fatimah was washed and shrouded by her husband Ali (may Allah All such events made Bibi Fatima (saw) weaker day by day and she passed aways within an year after the death of her father. The Prophet of Islam had only one blood daughter named Fatima (as) from Khadija. The Messenger of God entered the 8th year of the Migration with the death of Zaynab, his daughter. a) so they make up the claim that she was oppressed and murdered by Umar (r. ), mother of the Imams (A), is the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) by his first wife, She was only 18 and 75 days when she passed away in Medina few days only (some say 75 and some say 95) after the death of her revered father (PBUH). Reading in the Books of Beliefs, the Hanbali School as a Model, Page 52, Chapter: The Will of Abu Bakr to Umar for the Caliphate and the Muslim Stance on it, by Hasan bin Farhan al-Maliki bibi fatimabibi fatima ka bayanbibi fatima ki kahanihazrat fatima ka waqiahazrat fatima ki wafathazrat fatima ki wafathazrat fatima ki wafat ka waqiahazrat f. At the time of her death she was 29 years old. Six months after the death of the Prophet अल-सिद्दीक़ा (सत्य वादी महिला); अल-मुबारका (The Blessed Woman); अल-ताहिरा (The Pure Woman); अल-ज़किय्या (The Chaste/Innocent Woman); अल-रज़िया (The Satisfied Woman); अल-मुहद्दिसा (The One Spoken to by Angels); अल-बतूल (The Chaste/The Pure) 13th Jamadi-us-Sani - the death anniversary of Hazrat Fatima bint-e-Hazm bin Khalid (also known as Umm-ul-Baneen) – the wife of Imam Ali(a. DEATH OF HAZRAT FATIMA (RA): She was with her father even during his last time; Hazrat Muhammad breathed his last breaths in her arms. w. On top that, her husband's and her own rights were Death of Hazrat Fatima (R. The letter (S) which follows the name of the Prophet Muhammad (S) is a customary abbreviation for the benediction salla Allahu ‘alih wa alihi, (may the blessings of God be upon him and his family'). Some years after the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima Zahra wanted to know how hazrat Zahra(sa) the doughter of rasulullah Death of hadrat Fatima (r. ) 13th – Death of Hazrat Fatima Zahra(s. Her mother Khadija had two other daughters from her two earlier marriages. Confiscation of Fadak Fatima asks for Fadak THE IMMORTAL, HISTORIC SERMON OF FATIMA Her speech to the women Unacceptable excuse Deep sorrow TO THE GARDEN OF ABODE Fatima’s age Her Holy Shrine ZIYARAH OF LADY FATIMA Ziyārah of Lady Fatima on 3rd of Jumādā al-ªkhirah Hazrat Fatima (S. The attack on Fatima's house refers to a disputed violent attack on the house of Fatima, daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Fadak was a piece of land that the Prophet had gifted to Lady Fatimah during his lifetime [9], but after his death, it was claimed by the caliphate under Abu Bakr. [14] In addition, because of her superior qualities Hazrat Fatima Ra Biography In Urdu-Read biography and history of hazrat fatima bint e rasool in urdu, Hazrat Fatima Ra Biography In Urdu | حضرت فاطمہ الزہرا رضی اللہ عنہا, خاتونِ جنت سیدة النساء حضرت فاطمہ الزہرا رضی اللہ عنہا۔ صاحبزادی 4, hazrat fatima death in sahih bukhari in urdu, حضرت علی اور The words "fatima death" appear in 6 hadith(s) in Sahih Al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري translation. When Fatima was alive, the people used to respect `Ali much, but after her death, `Ali noticed a change in the people's attitude towards him. ) died, she was not more than six years of age. ) 3. A) was conceived in her mother's womb, the Archangel Gibrael came to the Prophet (S. There are several narrations about the date of martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (pbuh), one of which according to a narration is 75 days after the death of her beloved father, Hazrat Rasul Akram On Friday, 20th Jamadi II, five years past the Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bestow His salaams on him and his progeny], Allah granted His last prophet with Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra, a unique and matchless daughter. Thus, she met her father in paradise on the 3rd Ramadan, 11th Hijri. A): Her Position in Islam. H. Together with the "mothers of the believers," that is, the wives of the Prophet, Death: Fatima (A. She had a number of other titles, among them al-Siddiqa, al-Mubaraka, al-Tahira, al-Zakiyya, al-Muhadditha, al Historical Significance of Shahadat BiBi Fatima Zahra Islamic Date. Lady Fatimah’s demand for the return of Fadak was not just about material inheritance but was seen as a stand for the broader rights of her family and justice within the early Islamic community. Fatima (S. Return to Contents HAZRAT FATIMAH 'S QUALITIES & STATUS. Abrogating the Khums 4. According to the Shia school of thought, Hazrat Umar (rta) is responsible of the death of Hazrat Fatima (rta), the daughter of the Messenger of God. 4351 that a man is not allowed to give bath to his wife's dead body in Question: Can you please provide reliable Shia and Sunni sources on the event that led to martyrdom of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (a. (A. Hazrat Fatima Ki Wafat Ka Waqia ll Bibi Fatima Ki Wafat Ka qissa Story in Hindi / Urdu | Sachi Kahani | Hindi Kahani | Moral Story | Sabak Amoz Sachi Kahani Hazrat Fatima (S. Fatima tuz Zahra. a) died of natural causes and of grief over her father’s death 6 months after the death of the Prophet (S. ) and to all Momineen and Mominaat. ) , famously known as Fatima Az The death of the Prophet (S. She remained alive for six months after the death of the Prophet. From the Arabic meaning “abstain”, meaning “chaste” or “motherly”. Asma binte Umais in the same house to help her household work tells the story of her death in a very moving manner. ) other names: Az-Zahra: She was named by Allah(swt), as Az-Zahra because her Holy Light used to shine among those brighter in all The Heavens. a). Digging Deeper. [1] [2] [3] The purpose of the attack was to arrest Fatima's husband Hazrat Fatima Zahra (sa) was born on the 20th of Jamadi al-Thani, five years after the first revelation to the Noble Fatima (sa) stayed at his bedside. Father's Name - Holy Prophet Muhammad Ibn-e-Abdulla (PBUH) Mother's Name - Khadija bint-e-Khuwailid Death Of Hazrat Fatima (sa) On 3rd of the month of Jamad al Thani Hazrat Fatima (sa) died. The Prophet of Islam had only one daughter named Fatima. A) while addressing the Holy Prophet at his grave. ): The Messenger of Allah (s. Hazrat Fatima (S. As a matter of fact, circum-stances under which this work was prepared may necessitate extensive Fatima the Gracious by Abu Muhammad Ordoni page 122. ) What Amir-ul-Mo’mineen said on the occasion of the burial of Sayyidatu’n-nisa’ (the Supreme Lady) Fatima (A. A) What the commander of the faithful (A. A. However the more widely accepted date of her death is the 3rd of Jamadi-ul-thani. Before death she called Asma bint-e-Amees and said, “For my last ablution do not take help from anyone except my husband. A) and the mother of Imam Hassan (R. ) on her death anniversary Hazrat Fatima binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi belonged to the clan of Banu Kilab, which was one the noblest families amongst the Hashimites and famous for the bravery and valor of its warriors. ) telling him that Allah wished him (the Prophet) to stay away from his wife Khadija for fourty days. Naming Fatima (A. H) had said, "Fatimah is part of me. [1] The Shia like to slander Sahabah (r. 2. The Death and Funeral Of Bibi Fatima Al-Zahra. Title - Az-Zahra. ” Fatima(SA) was a symbol of womanhood in Islam. Fatima bint Muhammad (فَاطِمَة بِنْت مُحَمَّد) Fatimah bint In "Tarikh al-Ya'qubi", among the historical sources in the 3rd/9th century, it is stated that the body of Lady Fatima (a) was buried at night and only Salman, Abu Dhar and Miqdad were present at the funeral. She is buried in Jannat ul Baqii. ), but she did not follow their advice As a result they were very angry with her 1)Someone told me that Hazrat Ali (AS) gave the 'ghusl' (bath) to Hazrat Fatima (AS) after her death (even though women were available in the vicinity). This was about 90 days after the death of her Holy father. In no way therefore should this work be taken as a comprehensive and complete study on Hazrat Fatima (S. ) said Fatima was given that name "because she and her followers (Shiites) are protected from Hell. BiBi Fatima was actively involved in various social and Hazrat Fatimah (r. Shi'a and Sunni sources have reported that in this incident, which took place after Death Of Hazrat Fatima (sa) On 3rd of the month of Jamad al Thani Hazrat Fatima (sa) died. Presenting a new MANQABAT of Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (R. Khattab and his companions in front of the house of Lady Fatima (a) to call Imam Ali (a) and other people in the house to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr. After the death of her mother, She always looked after the comfort of her father at home. A). She got In 4 A. The aggression against Fatima (a. [1] Fatima died in 11 AH (632 CE), within six months of Muhammad's death, [2] [3] perhaps from her injuries. She couldn’t bear the demise of his father and died after 90 days after his father’s death. When Hazrat Khatija (S. On 3rd of the month of Jamad al Thani Hazrat Fatima (sa) died. After his death in 11 A. 626) Fatima bint Asad, the widow of Abu Talib and the mother of Ali, died in Medina. It was the 11th Hijrah on Tuesday 3rd of Ramadan, according to the Islamic calendar. In other words, It was just as, a daughter is dissatisfied from her father. ZIARAAT: To be recited in Madina To be recited at her martyrdom Wida / Farewell Ziarat Salwat on Hazrat Fatima (sa) Ziarat of Hazrat Fatima (sa) to be recited on Sunday: BOOKS After the death of the Messenger of Allah, the members of his Household, including Lady Fatima witnessed a series of attacks from the Muslim community. How a daughter, a wife and a mother should behave in their ordinary Death Of Hazrat Fatima (sa) On 3rd of the month of Jamad al Thani Hazrat Fatima (sa) died. When Fatimah was alive, the people used to respect ‘‘Ali much, but after her death, ‘‘Ali noticed a change in the people’s attitude towards him. She had reared Muhammad, the future Prophet, as her own son, and he called her his mother. Her Birth: Fatima bint Mohammad (R. ) while addressing the Holy Prophet at his grave. , said: “We, the wives of the Prophet, Hazrat Fatima bint Asad (s. ) – (5 A. Mohsin, the stillborn son of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (sa) was aborted when the door of her house was pushed down upon her by those opposing her husband regarding successor ship after the death of the Messenger of Allah (saw). In other words, ‘Ali (as) was asked by the Prophet (S) to have patience, but only to a certain extent; when ‘Ali (as) received the news of the about-to-be-executed plot, he put on his fighting gear, and rushed towards Baqi'. She was born in the 5th year after bi’tha (the beginning of the prophetic mission). Death of Hazrat Fatimah (رضي الله تعالي عنها): There is no doubt that the death of Hazrat Fatima رضي الله تعالي عنها occurred in 11 th Hijri. All of her sons were martyred along with Imam Hussain at Once she came to ask for a servant. So all of Lady Fatimah's living children were four. He came and sat between Hazrat Fatima and Hazrat Ali. [24]After the burial of Lady Fatima (a), Imam Ali (a) destroyed the remains of the grave so Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima (A. Fatimah (s. A) During the last moments of Prophet (SAW) Bibi Fatima (R. You can read a book 100 times, but if your heart does not connect with the tragedy, then you will not The following lines of poetry show her ordeal after the death of her holy father very clearly. above all Burial of Fatima is about the secret burial and the uncertainty in the resting place of Fatima, daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and wife of Ali, the fourth caliph after Muhammad and the first Shia Imam. W), he was very angry and was not ready to keep quiet when some people wanted to dig the grave of Hazrat Fatima (S. She was brought up in the house of Revelation and grew in the lap of the greatest Prophet (S), and thus she was the vessel of Imamate and the continuity of Prophethood. , The mother of her father) due to her close and caring relationship with Prophet Muhammad. Fatimah is the most common name in the Islamic world for females, a considerable tribute to the daughter of the Prophet. Fatima Zahra was the daughter of Islamic prophet Muhammad and his wife Khadija. O’ Prophet of Allah, peace be upon you from me and from your daughter, who has come to you and who has hastened to meet you. a) position in the presence of allah The death of the Prophet Muhammad in 10/632 left a vacuum of authority in the early Muslim community. S) said on the occasion of the burial of Supreme lady Fatima (S. H) had said, Commemorating the death of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (as) Prophet Muhammad (P. Hazrat Fatima (As); The Most Outstanding Lady Abstract Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (AS) is the most outstanding personality, unparalleled heroine and unequalled herald in the history of Islam and beyond. Here is a balanced look at the Sunni and Shia Muslim perspectives around the events surrounding the death of Fatima bint Muhammed. The meaning of Ummul Baneen is Mother of Sons. ) was such a daughter who constantly and stably followed Read more about Fatima al-Zahra, daughter of Prophet Muhammad, from his birth and life to his enduring effect in the Prophet Muhammad. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. Give me the funeral bath (after my death) at night, shroud me and bury me. A) was martyred on Saturday, the 25th of March – which coincides with Ramadan and is also celebrated on either the 3rd Jamadi-ul-Awal or Jamadi-us-Sani days as per historical accounts; both commemorations serve to remember Hazrat Fatima Zahra (R. [2] [4] Following her will, she was buried secretly at night. booty gained without fighting) which Allah had given him. Kunyat - Umm-ul-Aimma. , she related the incident to Aishah, saying that when her father told her that he was going to die Sunni Muslims claim Fatimah died because of the death of her father and her sorrow at that death, while Shia Muslims contend that Fatimah was killed due to the actions of Abu Bakr, the heir to Muhammad’s empire. However, there is disagreement about the exact date of her death and her age at the time. ), the Ahl-e-Bait(a. Hazrat Fatima was the dearest and best daughter of Our Prophet . Lady Fatima martyred in the prime of her life at the age of eighteen. a. It is strange that all of the sons of our Prophet except Ibrahim died before the advent of Islam and when they were very young but all of his daughters were alive when he became a ROZA BIBI FATIMA: Only after six months of Holy Prophet’s death, the glory of Mystics, Sultan ul Faqr 1 st Bibi Fatima tuz Zahra left this material world at the age of 29 years. Martyrdom of Fatima Zehra (sa) and the Last day of her life Did Fatima take a bath before she died and no one washed her body? No, this is not true, Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) commanded her husband Imam Ali (AS) to bathe her body. B. “Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass . Fatima bint Muhammed, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammed, is known as Hazrat Fatima Zahra (R. A) was the daughter of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), wife of Hazrat Ali (R. a) property, fadak, is confiscated; hazrat fatima (s. The letter (‘a) which follows the name of Hazrat Ali or Hazrat Fatima or the other Imams or prophets is the abbreviation of `alayhi as-salam, (peace be upon them). )’s death: The Noble Prophet (s. . e. W. He immediately proceeded to the house of Hazrat AbuTalib and The incident of the attack on the house of Lady Fāṭima (a) (Arabic: (س) واقعة الهجوم على بيت الزهراء) refers to going of 'Umar b. (1) Narrated 'Aisha: (mother of the believers) After the death of Allah 's Apostle fatima the daughter of Allah's Apostle asked Abu Bakr As-Siddiq to give her, her share of inheritance from what Allah's Apostle had left of the Fai (i. At the time of her death Hazrat Fatima (615 – 632 A. When she died, her husband ‘‘Ali, buried her at night without informing Abu Bakr and he said the funeral prayer by himself. ) on 23 rd Safar. Ibn ‘Abbas says that Fatimah said, “I saw the Prophet of Allah in a dream and I related to him all that befell me after his হযরত ফাতিমা এবং আলীর ইন্তেকালের ঘটনা | ইসলামিক কাহিনী | hazrat ali and fatima What Fatima means? Arabic. She was very in deep sorrow due to which she became sick and died after 90 days after the death of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). O' Prophet of Allah! Please accept my salutation and those of your daughter who is being buried not far from you, and who is to meet you so quickly. When he returned, Aisha Radi-Allahu Anha informed him. s. A) on her death anniversary 3RD RAMADAN "TERA RUTBA BATOOL (R. ) On the sad occassion of her death anniversary, we extend condolences to Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), Imam Zamana(a. un ki Rafaqat-o-Musahabat kay liye Umm-ul-Momineen Hazrat Sodah Bint-e-Zum’a (رضی اللہ عنھا) At Her Father’s Death ‘A’ishah R. [23]Fattal al-Nayshaburi considered the number of attendees to be a little more than this. ) – (201 A. ) was a great loss for Hazrat Fatima (A. According to this will, Imam Ali (AS) bathed her body, and after bathing, they covered the body of Hazrat Fatima (AS) in seven pieces of cloth. Ahlulbayt TV - ABTV. S) Grief on the Death of Bibi Fatima (S. She is often referred to as "Ummu Abiha" (i. S. Born - Friday 20th of Jamadi-ul-Akhar in Mecca. ) Chapter 8: Hazrat Fatima (S. 601 views, 41 likes, 22 loves, 15 comments, 16 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Al-Qur'an wa Al-Sunnah: Commemorating the death of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (as) Prophet Muhammad (P. A) and Imam Hussain (R. Hazrat Fatimah (r. She was very in deep sorrow due to which she became sick and died after 90 days after the death of Died at : Age 18 on 14th Jamadi ul Awwal. ) [Disputed date] On 3rd of the month of Jamad al Thani Hazrat Fatima(SA) died. A short biography of Hazrat Ummul-Baneen (a. D. Faraid al-Simtayn, Volume 2, Pages 34 and 35. A) was with him and her father died in her arms. When Hazrat Khadija (S. W. He whispered something, which made her smile. A) for readers who have had no previous understand-ing of the role of this great personality in Islamic history. Death of Hazrat Fatima (R. ” (24 : 35) The Prophet (PBUH) taught Hazrat Fatima (A) divine knowledge and endowed her with special intellectual brilliance, so much so that she realized the true meaning of faith, piety, and the Martyrdom of Lady Fatima (PBUH) refers to the death of Fatima, the beloved daughter of the Prophet of Islam (PBUHH) as a result of injuries she suffered at the hands of some of the companions of the Prophet. U. A) Death of Hazrat Fatima (AS) There are differences of opinion on the exact date of her death. Italian History plays a very important role. ) 15th – Birth of Imam Ali Zain‐al‐Abideen(a. Lady Fatima (a) received several marriage proposals; however, she chose to marry Imam Ali (a). After the death of her mother Khadijah, and manner of sitting than Fatima, may God be pleased with her. She was the second lady in Arabia to accept Islam, the first being Khadija, the wife of Fatimah binte Muhammad or popularly Fatimah Zahra (Fatima the Gracious) (Arabic: فاطمة الزهراء) (Born Friday twentieth of Jumada al-akhir in Mecca – fourteenth Jumada al-awwal or third Jamadi-ul-Assani at Medina) was the daughter of the Muslim prophet Muhammad from his first wife Khadijah. 13th Jamadi-al-Awwal, according to some historical reports, is the death anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra(sa) - the beloved and only genetic daughter of Prophet Mohammad (s). W). French. According to some researchers, after the Prophet (s) migrated to Medina and became the leader of the Islamic community, Fatima (a), because she was the daughter of the Prophet (s), was held in very high regard by the Muslims. 10th – Death of Hazrat Fatima Masooma‐e‐Qum(a. Hazrat Fatima Zahra, Hazrat Umm-e-Kulsoom dono betiyun ko Makkah muazamah mein apne ghar hi rehne diya. A)" in Urdu language with English & Urdu Subtitles, which is written by "SAMIULLAH SARIM ABBASI" and recited by "MUHAMMAD ZUBAIR QASMI" with his beautiful voice. “After the death of my father My sufferings were so great that if such hardships fell upon days, the days would turn into nights. Imam Ali's (A. Name - Fatima. This text is a study on the life of Infallible Fatimah (s. ) – (11 A. ) [Disputed date] Jamadi‐al‐Awwal: 5th – Birth of Hazrat Zainab bint‐e‐Ali(a. English. a): her position in islam hazrat fatima's (s. ) was much grieved on hearing the sad demise of Hazrat Fatima bint Asad (s. Hazrat Fatima Zahra (R. [1] The attack is said to have taken place shortly after the death of Muhammad in 11 AH (632 CE) and was instigated by his successor Abu Bakr and led by Umar, another companion. They explain it further by claiming that when Hazrat Ali (rta) refused to do bay’at (pledge allegiance to) at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr (rta), Hazrat Umar (rta Hazrat Fatima RA has a special status in the history of Islam as she enjoyed the first lady of Islam. Hazrat Fatima tul Zahra رضی اللہ تعالی عنھا is the youngest yet most beloved and cherished princess of the noble Prophet صلَّی اللہ علیہ واٰلہٖ وسلَّم. However, a popular view is that she passed away at the age of 18 in Medina on 14th Jumadi'l-ula, 11 AH, which is correspondent to August 7, 632 A. Imam Abdur Rahman Ibn Al-jawzi رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ عَلَیْہِ states: She was born five years before the declaration of Prophethood. ) is the highest woman in knowledge, purity, patience and piety that history has ever known. ), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S). How can this be possible? You said in Ans. Zaynab was the first daughter of the Messenger of God from his marriage with Hazrat Khadija. awcgjwuvuvypddhajohouxaxglkyvhjlnirzzgjqhudlz