Eso dungeon queue. Queues are taking way .

Eso dungeon queue We are thrilled to announce that the Horns of the Reach DLC game pack and Update 15 of the Elder Scrolls Online are live on PlayStation®4 and Xbox One today! This new adventure is now available free to ESO Plus Members or for purchase in the in-game Because ESO is play how you want, you are able to queue up as a fake tank or fake healer because there’s nothing stopping you from doing so. Since then I personally have experienced the following: - Randomly placed into one of the other pledges, even thou the leader qued us for a different pledge. I believe vet gives you more exp, but you need to be level 50 to qualify, but I So being very new to eso , I assumed random dungeons and dungeons in general worked in a similar way to other mmo's. Ok the Dungeon Finder issues started with blackwood, when companions were introduced. Other tips, grouping up with at least one other, even another DD reduce queues a lot as it looks like groups get an fast track Magic build, well have an healing staff on hand and you are an healer. We just wanna queue up with the two or three of us and play at our own pace. At first didnt notice because i tend stack so many buff (major courage, minor sorc, major src, apprentice, glyph and nirnh weap) The thing is, this increase doesnt appear in my character sheet as a buff but people told me it was the dungeon finder buff and im pretty sure Nice story, flows much better than ESO, nice how dungeons are built into the story progression, great community, etc. When I got ESO plus and queued for random dungeons I started having really long waits and then you would normally be put into dlc dungeons. Usually it's about 90% DPS, 5% healer, Every time we want to do a dungeon we wait an hour, or more? Everyone is doing 5th B'Day events, 3rd week of B'day is Undaunted quests-but this week is Delves and World bosses. 2) queue again with your friend in group. As a healer, do the really easy dungeons (any of the v base game part 1 dungeons such as vBC1, vCOA1, vSC1, vDSC1 etc. not trynna grief people). I often do other things while I wait like surveys, skyshards and questing. ESO GUIDES: GETTING READY FOR VETERAN DUNGEONS. Videos. 0: - removed some debug output still in code 35. I'm merely saying a longer queue isn't reflective of bad pop as THE reason for long queue times as was said but a meh system and other reasons - and that DPS usually in any MMO have longer times. In the contrary, actually it takes even more time. Dungeon Queue 4 Stickerbook. Solving the queue issue in ESO requires 2 things IMO: - Make being a Tank no longer feel like a punishment outside of group content. Yes, I want to duo random daily dungeons. ESO Two-Sided Battlegrounds Overview in Update 44; Saint Alessia Patron Deck Guide; ESO Scribing Category; Ultimate ESO Scribing Guide; ESO Skill Transmog Guide; New Trial and Dungeons. There are very few tanks and healers already in the game, and as I One way that would help is if ZOS made it an option in the group finder. Long queue times for healers or tanks is probably because of finder bug. -----If you are 3, then you will be forced wait for some random player to fill your numbers. (both DDs) It happens me spending 33 minutes in queue just to finish the dungeon in a fraction of that time . Along If a new player gets lvl 10 and is prompted to start doing dungeons, he will enter a random dungeon queue. If for some reason you are stuck in a group and cannot leave it or your group is acting funky is some way the fix is just to teleport to any group A good LFG would just add a player queueing for a random dungeon to a group that queued for a specific dungeon and just give out different rewards at the end. When we queue for a dungeon we don’t get instant queues, they’re not ridiculously long but probably between 3-6mins. ). Whoop whoop, I was queuing for specific dungeons for Achievements this evening as healer. Another possible reason is that with it being middle of a workday in NA, and that an event ended two days ago, many players may either be at work or taking a short break from ESO. There is a separate Leaderboard for solo and duo completions of My heals could barely keep up. Once you have decent gear, or atleast two sets filled out properly, try doing a part 2 base game dungeon or some of the harder base game dungeons (vBC2, vSC2, vDSC2, vVolenfell, vDirefrost etc. City of Ash 1 is the solo dungeon of choice IMHO because it's easy and can get a very good drop (burning Spellweave Inferno staff) Edited by Joy_Division on November 30, 2018 2:56PM #16 The dungeons are cool, but ESO doesn't have anything like the Mythic+ system, so it isn't exactly a repeatable content. Tank: Wait 1 minute and then leave queue and requeue Healer: Wait 3 minutes and then leave queue and requeue DPS: Wait 10 minutes and then leave queue and requeue. TL;DR: To put it simply, I can't just jump into a vet dlc dungeon without reading about the mechanics first. When I eventually managed to get int to a random dungeon the 2nd fastest queue time is in a group of 4, this queue can take between 5-15 minutes depending on time of day usually; a queue with 2 players is slower, this can easily start taking 30+ minutes; a queue with 3 players is the slowest, ive been in some cases where ive sat in a 3 person queue for over an hour and half with no queue pop If youre a dps and queue as a tank and tank the dungeon - theres literally nothing wrong. Defeating the bosses is usually required to clear the dungeon or complete any associated quests. etc. first of all its a well known eso bug for their replacement player function. 2. Bonus Dungeon Gear. - U41 Dungeons 37. That's insane because some quests overwrite the queue and I gotta wait even longer. a queue where four DPS builds can run a normal dungeon together) but ZOS can't exactly force players to correct the role disparity. Admit I only waited 1hour and 5 five minutes, but it was on a real tank. Healers are a bit more common. Then the tank leaves, whatever, told the other DPS (I'm the healer) he can stay and stick it out but could take a while for the group to fill again. Thank you for an excellent post! As another player new to MMOs myself, but who has watched the spousal unit play in several, I can add three four main rules for group dungeon crawls. In this ESO Dungeon Finder Guide you will learn all about the Dungeon Finder My question is asking about the technical operation of queues in eso. Complete a dark anchor with any companion Mirri is located at Doomvault Vulpinaz Talked to eso support though none of their suggestions worked. If you queue dps everyone is in line waiting. The newer dlc dungeons might be more challenging on normal but you also have dungeons from release mixed into the queue. You can wait forever as tank and nothing happens. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. That's not how the system works however, so if you're singed up for a particular dungeon, you need to find a player that's signed up for the same dungeon or rot in the queue. Cheers, Robert 10/18/19, 03:06 if you disable it with the slash command it will spam your chat like 20x when there is a Queue popup. 3) You need to fix that completly: 1) change your role. 3 . Most likely it will not be an issue, especially for the non-dlc dungeons. The most powerful new Blackwood Mythic Set💎 - Harpooner's Wading Kilt Mythic Item ESO. You won't be able to talk in group chat but you can still whisper someone in group if you need. The mechanics of DLC dungeons generally require a true tank. How to Survive Fungal Grotto with PUGs (Pick-Up Groups) Now that you're in the dungeon, you can quickly assess if the group is going to go one of two ways: it is essential to be well equipped with helpful gear and weapons in ESO. Quickly he will learn its the way to go since hes getting lots of exp and extra loot. Hello my Wolf Pack! In this video of ESO, I talk about and show you how to que for a dungeon in game. find a guild or group you like to play with, fill up all roles and then queue the random or jump directly into the dungeon you want (pledge or trial). Notes []. waited about 45 minutes, it didn't join any dungeons so I logged out and restarted the whole game. html Talked to eso support though none of their suggestions worked. 02. Queue is still on my screen by the missions on the top right and I can't start another Dungeon. The server load is not reduced. Is it unreasonable to try and queue up and go through a group dungeon with the lower level ones? The normal 1 dungeons are the easiest, followed by normal 2 then vet. This ESO Daily Dungeon Guide will break down the basics of dungeons, how to use the dungeon finder, and what the Undaunted Pledges are! Skip to content. It resets automatically when you queue up in the dungeon-finder, but if you want it to reset quickly while soloing, you can leave the dungeon, then swap the difficulty from veteran to normal (or vise-versa). Edit: To be more accurate, you can travel to a dungeon from literally anywhere, but travelling using a wayshrine will be free as opposed to having to pay gold to fast travel. You'd think it should be easy, but seemingly isnt. With that set, from the drop-down box on the right you now have three choices before you officially queue for your dungeon. 4. Pick a guildy or friend, build your companions to For a dungeon group to form it requires 2 DPS, 1 healer, 1 tank. NEW: Show per-character group dungeon skillpoint quest completion status! (Thanks to the authors of LibUespQuestData which I referenced for the quest ID's. This video describes the process of finding groups and types of dungeons. Use AZURAH on the initial settings screen to Unlock the Windows. Veteran dungeons are different because there arent many DLC dungeons you can pug without an actual healer. If you're not playing ESO anymore I can take this over as well - it's pretty static except for some occasional API bumps let me know. Two hours is not normal, and means you're likely in a bugged queue. I wish they’d do us all the simple favor of putting up a prompt to re-queue for the same Battleground game mode or a different one of our choosing. This is on version 1. So I opened the looking for group panel and selected veteran fungal grotto 1 and join queue. That means 25% of the people queuing need to be tank, and 25% need to be healers. The Dungeon Queue when activated becomes tied to the Vanilla Quest Tracker. It doesn't matter, the new As a newer player your value to many other players for random normal queue is quite high. I know I can select it from Group Finder queue, but I'm curious how to manually enter it with less than 4 players. If you are a new player then you’ve likely only unlocked a few base game dungeons, thus leaving you with a smaller pool of potential parties to match with. I'd like to do random dungeons peacefully and at our own pace without having a 4rd player skip half the map etc. Problems with the download? Click here. Pretty much. I recently started playing ESO on PC. The queue system will only select from the dungeons that all players in the group can participate in. Imagine Spindleclutch I/II - same instance, modified paths, different bosses) But honestly - dungeons Kill a group dungeon (4 man you can queue for) boss with any companion 3. ESO Build Editor; ESO Tier List for Skills/Sets – Create; Gold Road Chapter. . Low level base game dungeons are easy and fast. I queue between 8 and 10pm est. Problem is most times we queue up with 2000 CP solo builds that run through the entire dungeon and we're stuck playing ESO horizon 4 racing edition lol. Did manage to get one character out of the bug by having someone invite me and queue for a dungeon waiting for the queue to pop then decline and leave group. but once you hit CP you really need to play the role you queue as. I’ve only begun playing PvP on ESO recently, and I’m about 79. Prior to the One Tamriel update, Veteran versions of the non-DLC dungeons continued the storyline established previously in the Normal level Group Dungeons. Queues for Battlegrounds is a lot faster than dungeons. If you ever wanted to know how to play ESO in chronological order, you can find the information here! Websites. There's 24 non-DLC dungeons and 28 DLC ones (with 2 new ones coming out in a week), but the non-DLC ones have been made trivial due to power creep - the DPS right now is so high you'll just burn through these without experiencing any mechanics. You can choose a Specific Dungeon, a Random Normal Dungeon, or a Random Veteran If you group is not full and you have a DPS in group with either a tank or healer or both then the DPS should be the one to queue. They gave out ESO for free on the Epic Games store for the past week so there's a whole load of new accounts flooding the servers now. Healer is always wanted and so is a tank. Leaving queue and re joining will help. These last weeks, my friend and I were looking for mates to go in dungeons. ESO-Hub Discord Bot ESO Server Status AlcastHQ WH40K:Darktide Throne & Liberty. And that would be dividing There are also less dungeons in total but they do come in cool variations of multiple paths (Similar to how vanilla ESO dungeons work. But other than that, unless it's a popular dungeon that people grind gear in, you're potentially looking at an hour long queue, or even more. cptsubby. party finder is also pretty hidden, and a lot of ESO players probably aren't interested in doing dungeons unless they already have a group. Just remember that in vet, positioning and mechanics matter a lot more than normal but you pretty much do them the same way. com/downloads/info3254-DungeonQueue4Stickerbook. And it's even worse in dungeons. Queues are taking way Recently ive been getting a huge increase in my spell damage inside dungeons and trials. ) I've had several queues in this game take well over an hour even at peak times. https://www. Dungeon finder is NOT the only way to get into a dungeon. RodneyRegis Update: this is my 3rd queue that just ends in 1 sec wait time and goes nowhere. As soon as i queued for random dungeon, i got a group within 5 seconds. July 2023. But it was more to queue as a 4 man to fill the random queue. If I queue for a specific dungeon, I only have to wait a minute or so. Not that vexing an issue really oh wait. Hey y'all, I'm a recent ESO convert and I've been enjoying the game, particularly the dungeon finder. If you check “OK as a fill-in for a dungeon already in progress”, then you volunteer to help your fellow explorers or do a dungeon from the beginning. I have seen true tanks in dungeons about a quarter of the time (that's being wildly generous). How can this be? More interestingly, yesterday when my friend went off, I qued solo, and got a group in 15 The Dungeon Finder makes it easy to find a group to play Dungeons with and this ESO Dungeon Finder Guide will help you even more! Through the Dungeon Finder, you can choose to play a random or specific Dungeon. The whole point is that I’d like to queue, walk away from the PC, and be NEW: Click button to automatically select all dungeons for which you have not yet done the skill point quest at the LFG queue (can choose normal or veteran). Otherwise, you wait in the queue until only a group forms for a new dungeon from the start. A few friends and I are fairly new and like running dungeons. You won't be able to as a tank because the tank queues are extremely short. 5 hours in que before we gave up Today - 3 hours in queue so far and counting. The dungeon might take When you queue for random you get put into one of those dungeons that's waiting for players. In my experience queue time for DD doing vet pledges or random normal is 10-15 minutes much longer and leaving queue and re-queue tend to help, you will not loose your place in the queue. That will remove many of those people from the normal dungeon queue. a DPS leaves, no problem, shouldn't take long to get another. You will pretty much never have 2 DPS, 1 tank, and 1 healer, all queue for the same DLC dungeon separately at the same time. Grouping in ESO does not provide a community benefit that I see. Reply reply Here you can discuss anything and everything pertaining to ESO in general. Queued up for a random normal dungeon, after a 60 minute queue we said fuck it and I changed to a healer (I'm warden so I have two healing spells and 2 dps spells, and both types of staff. I don't have friends who play so I would like to queue solo (I'm a magplar healer build) but I don't understand how you can know the mechanics of a dungeon if it's random and I don't know which one to go watch yt vids to learn. It also seems to not queue people properly - my friend and I waited 10+ mins in the queue for a random normal as tank and healer, dequeued and immediately requeued and it instantly popped. You can run most normal dungeons solo as a somewhat competent dps, and you can run all dungeons with 4 dps on normal. Since you can solo all normal dungeons and many vet dungeons, thinking about etiquette ignores the problem - dungeon difficulty. trial atro that is free to use and you have to meet a certain criteria like 50-60k 40k DPS on it in order to be able to queue for veteran dungeons? Edited by There are also less dungeons in total but they do come in cool variations of multiple paths (Similar to how vanilla ESO dungeons work. Need help installing AddOns? We suggest Minion to automatically install and manage your AddOns! Minion makes it extremely easy to install and manage your AddOns. I've had people under level 45 being forced into veterans when they can't even Queque up for it. Edited by eovogtb16_ESO on December 17, 2020 12:37PM #2. 42 * Fix issues with german localization. On a related note, grouping is the second biggest complaint I see from people in other games about why they don't play ESO; the first is combat, and the two go hand in hand. I’ve waited with my friend for 10 minutes for queues before, when we decide to just pass crown to the other, or leave queue and re enter it, or disband group and re queue, and all of a sudden it’s an instant find. It will be a little challenging since you two are duo doing content design for 4player, but still better than queue for hours. 0: - switch to versioning based on ESO update number - Settings to manually add Achievements []. If you queue as a tank or healer you can get into a party in seconds. Downloading Now. I get they just wanna run through grab their XP and leave. Get With that set, from the drop-down box on the right you now have three choices before you officially queue for your dungeon. *only until hitting level 50 /edit to make humanly readable It's an old bug. 5kish Alliance Points to Veteran, and hope to play enough to reach Grand Overlord before I lose interest in the game altogether LOL. If queuing for specific dungeons, it could be a lot longer depending on the dungeons you queue to and how many. But I concluded I have a preference for the Elder Scrolls universe and art style, going back to You don’t even need to wait for a DPS queue if you’re okay with using the trust system. For all intents and purposes, DLC dungeons will become pre-made groups only. Hi, I have an issue where I'm queued as tank for a normal dungeon as a tank. And that would be dividing form your grop, 3 of you, queue, and you got another person , and go to dungeon in the dungeon. 99% of the population of ESO is DPS. That's unplayable. Most dungeons we can do duo anyway #7. The problem I’m wondering about is how long my queue times are for a random dungeon. The queue is notorious for being a buggy mess. When I play solo (DPS) the queue time is probably only 10-20ish minutes, give or take. Locked post. If the tank or healer has lead and queues it's right now i'm queued for the first dungeon (Fungal grotto) and i'm still in queue (it's been around 30-35 minutes) and so far i only have one other member. Veteran versions have more, associated with various challenges. This is because of ESO's dungeon queue system. Queueing a specific dungeon is literally putting your dungeon in a queue you get players. 0. DLC dungeons are tough even on normal for new players You have to know the mechanics or risk angering the group. Look for the Quest Tracker blue window and move it wherever you want. The Group & Activity Finder also has It's bizarre. You could even set it up so you take a low level in and force one of the easy dungeons every time. Imagine Spindleclutch I/II - same instance, modified paths, different bosses) But honestly - dungeons as such have been abandoned in GW for a really long time. The Infinite Archive is a new type of Infinite dungeon/arena added to ESO in Update 40. 0: - switch to versioning based on ESO update number - Settings to manually add more Dungeons to always display - Setting to automatically add Dungeons where character is missing Skillpoints Also doesn’t help that it flat out seems broken sometimes. The Horns of the Reach DLC game pack and Update 15 are already lived on PC/Mac on August 15. Is there a way to do that? Dps queuing with anyone weren't getting into dungeons at all, or if they did eventually get in, it ended up taking way longer than solo dps. Hit lvl 10. 69420666 69420 Guild Master Joined Jul 14, 2015 Messages 1,449 Reaction score 1,062. Thankful for ESO I have eso plus so whenever I queue for random dungeons, it includes dlc dungeons. They're waiting 20+ mins on a good a day to get into a dungeon. General tips on dungeon finder queue times: Solo Tank >> Any group of 2 >> Solo Healer >>>>> Solo DPS Do the random dungeon for ~1 level of exp daily. FFXIV has incentives for people to fill roles and do dungeons they normally wouldn't, and even they still have long queue times if you aren't tank or heal. But I do admit that I am saying thing with the assumption that a random normal dungeon queue isn't for the people who want to do the story. If there are MORE healers using the queue (or tanks), it should reasonably mean less waiting for all the DPS looking for them to reach 4 people in their dungeon group. Tbh, if they're at the last boss, might as well help them do it. The most common use of the Group & Activity Finder is its Dungeon Finder section which allows for players to queue for various Group Dungeons while automatically finding other players to group with. With new DLC, you will have possibilities use companion to fill your numbers. Note that it will also be moving the Vanilla Quest Tracker window as well if you are using it. Lol yes, believe it or not I've been playing tanks and healers in ESO for years, in dungeons and in trials. New comments cannot be posted. You can physically walk into on the map or teleport into from a wayshrine. Once a tank, a healer, and two damage dealers are found using the Dungeon Finder, a group will automatically be formed and each player will be teleported to the The bug where only a couple of people are ported to the dungeon while the others see them off line with zero health seems to happen most times. People have discussed potentially adjusting the queue so that you don't need assigned roles for certain content (e. If the queue doesn't pop in under two minutes when you have a premade group or are a Healer or a Tank I suggest exiting queue and rejoining queue. I joined a dungeon queue, a person left and the group disbanded but the queue was still active for me. Pretty weird since we make up 3/4 of the team including the rarer roles. Healer queues are a bit longer, but still quite short. When I invite a friend of mine and we queue together we find an activity in 20 seconds. - Randomly placed into the VET verison of the dungeon even thou we qued for normal. 2) Group this friend, your queue after like 5-10 sec disappear. My queue is the duration it takes me to press P and hit Queue. But if you requeue you get instant pop. There are so many things to learn within ESO that it ca If you've done the dungeon on normal a few times, know the mechanics of vet from reading a guide, you should queue for the vet mode. the other thing is highly advised, even for random dungeons. When I enter Banished Cells, it gives me the option for I and II, but I don't see any way to select Veteran. I'm level 50. On a side note I’m amazed more people don’t gather together outside of group finder to get a team of 4 and then queue the random dungeon. You have to wait until someone queues for those specific dungeons or the random group builder assigns people to one of them (out of many other choices so it can take a while). 3) leave the queue. Usually, players consider the base-game dungeons to be easier than the DLC dungeons. It's obviously faster for randoms because you can go into any dungeon that has an open spot for your role. ESO-Hub News; Just go through their initiation rite, visit the dungeon they tell you to (you just need to enter it, not to play through it) Yeah that’s also the case in eso. The queue times will show you how role requirements affect queue times in dungeons. This is a non-sense. Hardly anyone queues for specific dungeons (other than pledges), so pulling from the random queue is how most specific dungeon requests get filled. Instant in and you can run whatever you want as long as people know what they are doing. To offer your value simply use /s say near an Undaunted enclave "low level character doing random normal x for group". Reply reply ShmullusSchweitzer I haven't played ESO in a little over a year atm but queue times did get fixed but sometimes could take 5-20 minutes, seemed to help mostly depending on the type of class you are queuing for. The game doesn’t run better because there’s a group of 4. My solo DPS queue's in ESO have been popping in less than 2-3 minutes lately which, from ESO, for me, is absolutely unheard of. It's all I would ever queue on. Both by the devs and the majority of the community. If it won't let you leave queue on the first click give it a few seconds and click on exit queue again. As a DPS I'd say my average wait time for dungeon in WoW, FFXIV and ESO is around 40 minutes with longest wait being 5 hours in WoW for content that was "old". The thing is, if you can not get into a dungeon after waiting for more than 15-20 minutes even as a damage dealer ( dds have the longest queue times simply because there are alot of them in the queue at all times), then you should leave queue and then re-queue again, because there is a bug with the group finder where it shows you are in queue So I've made a guide to try and explain, from the ground up, how to tank, heal and dps dungeons in ESO. This guide is for both Normal and Veteran mode. If the tank left then i two times now I have queued my level 30 damage character into a normal random dungeon, sat in queue for 15 minutes, The thing is, I think the dungeon finder has an issue detecting where someone's dungeon difficulty should be. a partial group actively in a dungeon should have top priority in the queue to be filled, period. Now granted I am a newb among newbs as I just started about a week ago, but hot damn. vote kick said person, and done lol Worst advice ever. Is there a way to queue for a random daily vet dungeon - Queue for a dungeon - Check auto confirm - ALT+Tab out of ESO - Once a party is found the notification on the Windows taskbar for ESO only last ~1 second, and if you don't look at the taskbar in that 1 second time-frame you will miss it and are thus afk in a dungeon Expected: Maintenance for the week of December 16: • PC/Mac: No maintenance – December 16 • NA megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC) - U41 Dungeons 37. 41 * Bugfix: Added a workaround for a ESO-issue that caused the addon to queue for max lvl 0 dungeons (no valid dungeons found) if a group member left while after the dungeon was complete and you were still in the instance. I can't find a dungeon even after waiting thirty minutes in the queue. This happening to anyone else? Finish the dungeon and get put on a dungeon cooldown. Monday - around 6pm - 4. Thank you ESO for keeping me sane, even today. I don’t feel entitled to the reward. It seems like there's some random issue that flags you and makes you fail to group. 5 hours in que before we gave up Tuesday - 11am - 2 hours in que, 7pm - 1. r Location: Ruins of Mazzatun Dungeon last boss Location on the map. Hello, steam. Usually because (I assume) people are queuing for specific vet dungeons and I random queue as tank so it’s putting me into someone else’s specific queue cause they want some specific gear. When someone declined, the queue also hangs sometimes and never pops again until you requeue. Group & Activity Finder is a tool in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) designed to help players find content to take part in. It will still reset ESO bugged normal dungeon queue . That my friend happens when you zone in or out constantly while you are in the queue, using wayshrines to another map or even entering public dungeon resets your queue, so you go to the end of the queue but timer never resets. ) This is usually more appropriate for base game dungeons on veteran and normal dungeons, but people often overvalued their own ability and queue as a healer or tank for a random veteran dungeon and it ends up being a place that either needs a healer or a coordinated group, which random encounters rarely end up having. It's the first time I've done something like this, based on my own The queue should pop pretty fast with others also looking for an easy dungeon run. I wonder whats up with the dungeon finder? When I queue alone, I usually wait 40 min -1,5 hour. On my healer I often used to queue with random solo dps if I was running dungeons because the queue times were such a drag for them. But after the overhaul that stopped working. 80% of the time you queue for a random dungeon you get hammer station, a level 15 dungeon, because of so many people specific queue for it. I entered the dungeon directly from outside and the entire time I played through I saw I was still in queue. Which makes me wonder: I always thought, the group finder would group players for specific dungeons with players of random dungeons and move the randoms Hello, for context: I'm playing with two of my friends in ESO who just started out. Bedlam Veil Dungeon; Oathsworn Pit Dungeon; Lucent Citadel Guide; ESO Mythic Item No idea, but sometimes if it seems like the wait has been unusually long, I leave the queue and rejoin and it will sometimes pop relatively quickly after. Most DDs in this game are pure garbage, even at higher levels, so they tend to queue with another DD (typically another trash toon) or support so they can't get The Dungeon Finder in ESO is a tool to find a group or a group member in case you are either alone, or don’t have enough players to go into a 4-player dungeon. I guess that it skips the time point of updating UI and locked by dungeon searching. In my experience random normal was an 15-20 minute for DD. Recently we discovered that if the dps is the group leader and set up the queue, it would always be instant. If its so long you have queue problems. Is the queue time longer for two players? Also when is peak hours for dungeon running? Archived post. Active Now! New Life Festival. General ESO Discussion. I am level 16 and I queue for a random normal dungeon and it has never taken less than 30 minutes. Tanks that are CP160+ can get a queue pop pretty close to instantly. You might notice that queue is more or less instant on a tank - that's because the game has a severe shortage of tanks. Share SWTOR had this exact same problem. Switch LFG role followed by starting queue in addon, it will cause the wrong display of role in Group UI. #23. It's akin to using a level 10 to An unfortunate byproduct of people who don't like doing dungeons doing them just for transmute crystals. Without any other player added. Posted by Avi on March 1, 2020 at THINGS TO NOT DO: Bitch people out for doing something wrong, queue for a dungeon as a tank to get in faster, when you a sorc with level 20 armor at 13k health, run ahead of the Most ppl queue random normal dungeons for the daily EXP and transmute crystals. This is strange, as the queue used to pop instantly but has stopped working all of a sudden. cptsubby Dedicated Member. If you are not the tank, walk behind the tank, and You can run a dungeon however often you'd like. So for your group, i would drop the queue every minute and requeue until it popped. I tend to only run randoms in That has to do with how few dungeons you have available to queue for at level 33. If someone could explain how the random dungeoners get balanced among specific dungeoners and what happens with In fact, I'd love to see them add a "duo queue with companions" option in the dungeon finder. If I am not in a queue and I solo queue with a character that is not stuck, that character will end up stuck in queue and will remain in that state unless I group with someone and immediately travel to their location (which seems to pop us both out of queue or at least thinking we are in queue). 0: - ready for U37 Scribes of Fate - multiple bugfixes with selections 36. Dungeon difficulty can be set in the “Group” menu. You can choose a Specific Dungeon, If you queue for random daily dungeon, it usually takes 10mins. Being the story focused mmo that ESO is, not being able to to the dungeons for the STORY is a complete and utter FAILURE of game design. As skwex mentioned it may help players that need groups to complete normal dungeons, but that is not comparable to fewer cars on the road. If your group has a player below level 45, your group will not get a DLC dungeon. ESO's guide for story I remember playing EU WoW at like 3am trying to dungeon even as a healer and my queue took like 35 minutes. Kill a delve boss with any companion 4. Best way to queue for random dungeons either stay in same Zone (like Orisinium) or just be AFK. Hello, so long story short I seem to be stuck in a dungeon queue where I can't leave the queue nor can I find a dungeon, when I relog and or change Automatically accepts ready check notifications from dungeon finder LFG tool; Lists the battleground name and type in chat when you enter; Plays a sound once you have loaded into the battleground or dungeon to let you know its time; Automatically releases upon your death in a battleground match; I'm a relatively new player to ESO with my character sitting at CP 240. But of course 30+ mins if many peeps face that is absurd yeah. 41 * Bugfix: Added a workaround for a ESO-issue that caused the addon to queue for max lvl 0 dungeons (no valid dungeons found) if a group member left while after the dungeon was complete Dungeons in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are isolated areas within the various locations featuring a large amount of enemies and at least one Boss. On one character, I queue with a 4-person premade as a tank and get endless "Some declined". (Yes, in WoW. 4 * New Feature: Added Preferred difficulty "Both" option, to queue for normal and veteran at the same time. Dungeons content is more difficult than the standard overworld activities. They don’t get to choose what dungeon they end up getting. It'll probably take you shorter than the standard 15 minutes cooldown (1 hour one does indeed sound like a bug), you'll have the good karma points for helping out people in need and you'll get fast and easy last boss loot (if it's dlc then maybe a motif page even). Dev Tracker; Categories; Recent; Unanswered; Queued again as tank and healer and waited for several minutes, until we finally left the queue ticking and ported to the dungeon - if nothing else to wait in a more scenic environment and to have a few laughs before restarting with a full group. it's looking for who are close to As a dps, if I queue for random normal or a dungeon that is a pledge, I usually don't wait for more than 15 min. Log onto another character as a DD, group with a healer, and join queue and get in on the 1st try for 2 pledges in a row. 4 of my other characters are still stuck, can't seem to get people to invite those characters and give it a try. When I first hit lvl 10 I unlocked the ability to queue for dungeons, so very eager to try them out I queued, sadly I was removed 3 times by groups due to being too low lvl /under geared for the dungeons. April 2020. #3. esoui. The finder will place you in a queue and group you with random players of your own faction across realms in your region. I usually run dps-sets with a resto staff on the backbar for normal dungeons and queue as a healer, or run my pvp-setups with a taunt and queue as tank. If you queue for random normal a low level base game dungeon is the guaranteed result. Call out eso for that, not the players who got overpowered as intended by the game. I know that I have less dungeons that I have access to because I am low level but is this normal? Or you can wait until all enter and check where your group is then teleport to the dungeon manually. We did end up finishing the dungeon but the lack of AoE damage can be a hindrance. It's not a build, it's a guide for what a build should have and do. We will update as new information becomes available. News. Aug 22, 2022 #5 cptsubby said: Follow everything: 1) Tell a friend to queue with the same dungeon (vet/normal) you have in the queue and pay attention for the role, he need a different role from you. But - why do people even do it? You can manipulate the dungeon random queue by queuing with people with/without DLC to ensure that certain dungeons never come up. I’m a tank and my friend is a DPS, we are trying to queue into a random dungeon but the queue time is very long. I've been trying to queue to random normal dungeons as a DPS, and I've gone as far as waiting 40 minutes in the middle of an afternoon and I'm just baffled by this We are currently investigating issues some players are having with the ESO Store and Account System. Here's what is happening. If you I got the dungeon "Banished Cells" which is not very popular. It's actually not common to find a true tank these days in my experience. Queuing as a dps will always take longer but the root cause of a lot of ESO’s grouping and community issues is that a lot of the player base are uber-casuals. The queue hangs sometimes. Once a tank, a healer, and two damage dealers are found using the Dungeon Finder, a group will automatically be formed and each player will be teleported to the In other words, if making the dungeon queue is important enough then you should probably be paying better attention to the already existing game notifications. I have not been about to queue for a dungeon for 6 days now. The DPS that the dungeon was scaled to buggered of and left me, my tank, and one other DPS (at level 37) to fend for ourselves. Me and my mate can’t seem to get any dungeon if we queue in 2x DD. So you have to wait for the dungeons ahead of you to fill. this time do you not know “If they random queue for a dungeon odds are 2 of them are awful at least” it’s like ESO’s golden rule. Ah, thanks for reminding me. I still think they should give 25 transmutes for doing a random veteran dungeon. Each of these Dungeons has an achievement associated with it, which you will receive upon beating the final boss. I did the entire dungeon solo and did not get monster helm at the which I thought was a 100% chance drop from final boss? The Dungeon Finder makes it easy to find a group to play Dungeons with and this ESO Dungeon Finder Guide will help you even more! Through the Dungeon Finder, you can choose to play a random or specific Dungeon. You can play it solo, with an NPC Companion or with one friend (in a duo). Including: - Direfrost (plates -> snipe + charge door exploit on troll, then leave and re-enter the dungeon after boss) - Wayrest 2 (first boss -> cast Healing Springs on companion who deal with boss) - Blackheart (last boss -> 1-2k base health regen + Pale Order + any boost to light attacks) - Is there a way to disable/move 'dungeon finder queued/in progress' notification in topright corner of the screen? Question I'm using lua extended, votan's minimap and few other mods and didn't fin an option to disable that notification. When you queue for random dungeon you can get matched with people who queue for specific dungeon. As it might be a bug, here is what I want to do and want to know: I' d like to queue qith two players and their companions for a random normal dungeon. I like to queue for veteran dungeons for the challenge and better gear, but while doing so i've been met with varying degrees of acceptance to my presence there due to my level. Leaving queue and re enter tend to solve this. ESO-Hub is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way The Random Dungeon Finder in ESO allows players to sign up for a dungeon or raid and choose their role (healer, tank, or DPS). You can swap it again if you wanna stay on the same difficulty. thats is the only safe way to get this done, if you dont want to you can solo all game dungeons (base+dlc) on normal difficulty. and then after all recent events, im pretty sure most players are currently staying away from dungeon fast exp run, they have done it hundreds time during previous month double exp for almost two weeks long time. It was even worse because the daily queue did not give much more than specific queueing a dungeon. There are huge disparities on how long a dungeon is, it could be 5mins for Fungal Grotto 1 and could be 20mins for City of Ash 2, but yet they yield the exact same amount of EXP and crystals. Ever. CP160 minimum. this is why i always said eso team is dumb, their all yr long event making players With the current dungeon queue system, anyone can queue as a tank or healer. g. If someone leaves or gets kicked it's almost impossible to find replacement fast. Video describing the steps needed to take to queue up for a dungeon in elder scrolls online My friend and I started playing ESO last night. 1. I've done this many times in the past few months and it has worked every time. The Activity Finder is an important tool for dungeon-goers in ESO Players in a thread on the ESO Forums began reporting on Tuesday (the day after the patch went live) It is quite common for group finder problems to be shared across both the dungeon group finder and the battleground queue, However, queueing for dungeons still does not work. So if ZOS makes your way a lot of player will select Non DLC random dungeon and those who queue for specific DLC dungeon will wait in queue for people who will go for all random dungeons or for that specific dungeon. tried to leave but the option doesn't work. Since a lot of Players use random normals to farm transmutes you then end up with people in your group doing 5-10 times the dps of what was high when the dungeons were released. otwek tzgq ahxulc ojzux fgadc kulk xbjp nrmjh zidr jysm